使用 VBA 根据逻辑动态循环数组的元素

Loop in elements of Array dynamically based on logic using VBA

我正在编写一段代码,使用 VBA 中的数组概念来选取当前和下一季度的值。 但是,当 运行 以下代码时,我遇到运行时错误 13。

Sub PlaceTheQuarter()
Dim arr, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4

arr = Array(1, "Q1", 2, "Q2", 3, "Q3", 4, "Q4")
Q1 = Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar")
Q2 = Array("Apr", "May", "Jun")
Q3 = Array("Jul", "Aug", "Sep")
Q4 = Array("Oct", "Nov", "Dec")

'MsgBox (Application.Match(Application.RoundUp(Month(Date) / 3, 0)))
MsgBox (arr(Application.Match(Application.RoundUp(Month(Date) / 3, 0), arr, 0)))

Dim idate As Date
idate = "31-DEC-2020"
a = arr(Application.Match(Application.RoundUp(Month(idate) / 3, 0), arr, 0))

'a = arr(Application.Match(Application.RoundUp(Month(Date) / 3, 0), arr, 0))
i = Mid(a, 2, 1)

Dim next_q As Integer

If i = 4 Then
 next_q = 1
 next_q = i + 1
End If

MsgBox ("Next Quarter is: Q" & next_q)

MsgBox (MonthName(Month(idate), True))
counter = 0

Dim n_quarter
n_quarter = "Q" & next_q

    For Each ab In Q4
        If MonthName(Month(idate), True) = ab Then
            MsgBox ab
            Dim pos As Integer
            pos = Application.Match(ab, Q4, False)
            MsgBox pos
        End If

End Sub

基本上在 Foreach 循环中,如果我手动使用季度名称作为 Q4,它会在 fine.But 中循环,我想根据 Q&next_q 之类的值动态传递它。我已经分配了一个字符串值并在此处传递该变量,这在我的情况下都不起作用。




Sub PlaceTheQuarter()
 Dim arr, arrQ, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, ab, a As String, i As Long, k As Long
 Dim next_q As Long, next_month As Long, arrFin, j As Long, actQ As Long
 arr = Array(1, "Q1", 2, "Q2", 3, "Q3", 4, "Q4")
 Q1 = Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar")
 Q2 = Array("Apr", "May", "Jun")
 Q3 = Array("Jul", "Aug", "Sep")
 Q4 = Array("Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
 arrQ = Array(Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4)

 Dim idate As Date: idate = Date '"02.10.2021"

 a = arr(Application.match(Application.RoundUp(Month(idate) / 3, 0), arr, 0))

 Select Case a
    Case "Q1": next_month = Month(idate): actQ = 0
    Case "Q2": next_month = Month(idate) - 3: actQ = 1
    Case "Q3": next_month = Month(idate) - 6: actQ = 2
    Case "Q4": next_month = Month(idate) - 9: actQ = 3
 End Select
 ReDim arrFin((3 - next_month) + 2)
 i = Mid(a, 2, 1)

 If i = 4 Then
    next_q = 1
    next_q = i + 1
 End If
 'fill the final array containing the remained month plus the next quarter months:
 For j = next_month To 2
    arrFin(k) = arrQ(actQ)(j): k = k + 1
 Next j
 For j = 0 To 2
    arrFin(k) = arrQ(next_q - 1)(j): k = k + 1
 Next j
 'Iterate between the necessary array elements:
 For Each ab In arrFin
    Debug.Print ab
End Sub