Kafka docs Producer可能的消息丢失

Kafka docs Producer possible message loss

我目前正在了解有关 Kafka Producer 的更多信息。我对文档中的以下段落感到有些困惑:

Messages written to the partition leader are not immediately readable by consumers regardless of the producer’s acknowledgement settings. When all in-sync replicas have acknowledged the write, then the message is considered committed, which makes it available for reading. This ensures that messages cannot be lost by a broker failure after they have already been read. Note that this implies that messages which were acknowledged by the leader only (that is, acks=1) can be lost if the partition leader fails before the replicas have copied the message. Nevertheless, this is often a reasonable compromise in practice to ensure durability in most cases while not impacting throughput too significantly.


我不明白(例如)Java 应用程序如何防止此消息丢失。 它在 'only-leader' 和完整复制之间是否收到不同的确认?

this is often a reasonable compromise in practice


"Does it receive different acknowledgements between 'only-leader' and the full replication?"

领导者和副本确认之间没有区别。您只能通过其配置 acks 来控制生产者的行为。如果它被设置为 1 它只会等待领导者确认,如果你将它设置为 all 它会在生产者考虑写入之前等待所有副本(基于主题的复制因子)消息成功。

如果你设置了acks=all并且领导者和副本之间的同步失败,你的生产者将收到一个可重试异常(“NotEnoughReplicasException”或“NotEnoughReplicasAfterAppendException”,参见更多详细信息 )。基于生产者配置 retries 它将尝试重新发送消息。 Kafka 的构建方式是希望崩溃的代理再次可用(在“短”时间内)。

如果您设置了 acks=1 并且领导者和副本之间的同步失败,您的生产者认为消息已成功写入集群,并且不会尝试复制消息。当然领导者会继续将消息复制到它的副本。但并不能真正保证这会发生。在消息被复制之前,leader broker 本身可能会出现问题,导致消息永远丢失。