docker 导入 ACR 中心上的图像源 URL 是什么

what is my image source URL on docker hub for import ACR

我在 Docker Hub 上有 2 张图片。
Docker Hub 上图像的源 URL 是什么?
我需要将图像导入 ACR,但找不到我的 源 URL

我在 Docker 集线器上的图像。例如;
- mocdoc/myapplicationrepo:driver-ui
- mocdoc/myapplicationrepo:driver-api

我在 Docker Hub 上的 image_source_url 是什么? 下面的命令;

这是我导入 ACR 的代码

az acr import –name myapp –source <image_source_url> –image <image_name>

来自Import from Docker Hub

For example, use the az acr import command to import the multi-architecture hello-world:latest image from Docker Hub to a registry named myregistry. Because hello-world is an official image from Docker Hub, this image is in the default library repository. Include the repository name and optionally a tag in the value of the --source image parameter. (You can optionally identify an image by its manifest digest instead of by tag, which guarantees a particular version of an image.)

az acr import \
  --name myregistry \
  --source \
  --image hello-world:latest

来自 az acr import examples:

Import an image from a public repository on Docker Hub. The image uses the specified repository and tag names.

az acr import -n MyRegistry --source -t targetrepository:targettag

Import an image from a private repository using its username and password. This also applies to registries outside Azure.

az acr import -n MyRegistry --source -u username -p password

此外,您可以在 Unable to Import public Docker image dockerhub 问题中找到更多信息:

你的问题的答案取决于几个因素,例如它是否是官方图像、public/private 存储库和是否存在身份验证。

To summarize:

--source creates a "library/python" repository at the ACR end.
--source fails with same error as "" -> authentication required
--source creates a "hello-world" repository at the ACR end (leaving out "library/").
--source fails
--source works

如果图像在库存储库 ( 中,则需要库。如果您有自己的存储库,则不需要 library..


az acr import --source ,但你需要根据你目前的情况进行测试。