
how to do proper transitions between states in statemachine with provided example

我最近问了一个关于如何以干净的方式编写状态机代码的问题。通常我为 PLC 编写代码,所以我不是 java 方面的专家。 我得到了一个有用的答案,将状态建模为枚举,并将转换逻辑封装在枚举中,如下所示:

public enum State {

s00_StandBy {
    public State nextState() {
        // if...
        return ...;
s10_DetermineOperation {
    public State nextState() {
        // if ...
        return ....;

public abstract State nextState(); 

但我自己实施时遇到了问题。 首先是为什么我不能在枚举案例中使用某些条件?


boolean resetBtn,startBtn;
State currentState;

//Transition logic
public enum State {
    //if state is s00_standBy and startBtn is true proceed to s10
    s00_StandBy {
        public State nextState() {
        if(startBtn){ // Cant use startBtn here? how to use conditions from outside the enum case?
            return s10_DetermineOperation;
public abstract State nextState();

public void main() throws Exception {

//while in this state do stuff
if(currentState.equals(State.s00_StandBy)) {

//when done or condition is met go to next state

我遇到的第二个问题是,如何编写枚举封装的转换代码,使其具有多个条件以继续进入单个新状态? 像往常一样,我会像这样对过渡进行编程:

if (currentState.equals(s10_DetermineOperation) && resetBtn = true) 
Or (currentState.equals(s20_normalOperation) && resetBtn=true)
Or (currentState.equals(s30_someOtherState) && resetBtn=true){ 
return state.s00_StandBy;}

但是根据我的理解,封装的枚举只能从某个状态跳到另一个状态,并且每个转换都必须单独编码? 所以你在上面的例子中得到了这个:

boolean resetBtn,startBtn;
State currentState;

//Transition logic
public enum State {
    //if state is s00_standBy and startBtn is true proceed to s10
    s10_DetermineOperation {
        public State nextState() {
        if(startBtn){ // Cant use startBtn here? how to use conditions from outside the enum case?
            return s00_StandBy;
     s20_normalOperation {
        public State nextState() {
        if(resetBtn){ // Cant use startBtn here? how to use conditions from outside the enum case?
            return s00_StandBy;
        s30_normalOperation {
        public State nextState() {
        if(resetBtn){ // Cant use startBtn here? how to use conditions from outside the enum case?
            return s00_StandBy;
public abstract State nextState();





public abstract State startButtonPressed();
public abstract State resetButtonPressed();


另一种方法是将您需要访问的字段封装在 class 中,例如 Context,并将其作为参数添加到状态转换方法中。

public abstract State nextState(Context context);

public State nextState(Context context) {
        return s00_StandBy;




上下文 class:

public class Context {

    private boolean bool1;
    private boolean bool2;

    public Context() {

    public boolean isBool1() {
        return bool1;

    public void setBool1(boolean bool1) {
        this.bool1 = bool1;

    public boolean isBool2() {
        return bool2;

    public void setBool2(boolean bool2) {
        this.bool2 = bool2;


public enum State {

    s00_StandBy {
        public State nextState(Context context) {
            if (context.isBool1()) {
                return s99_otherState;
            } else {
                return s20_someOtherState;

    s20_someOtherState {
        public State nextState(Context context) {
            if (context.isBool2()) {
                return s99_otherState;
            } else {
                return s00_StandBy;

    s99_otherState {
        public State nextState(Context context) {
            return s00_StandBy;

    public abstract State nextState(Context context);


public class Main {

    public static void main(String... args) {

        Context context = new Context();
        State currentState = State.s00_StandBy;


        currentState = currentState.nextState(context);
