应用于聚合数据的文本小部件 table

Text-Widget Applied to an aggregated data table

利用 provided by Gordon, I've successfully created a selectable table that contains aggregated data. Now I would like to filter the data with the text-filter-widget.

我知道过滤器需要一个数组才能正常工作。我想了解的是,当 table 过滤器正在查看一组时,如何才能更新 table 行?


我们还需要声明第二个市场维度so that it will filter the table


var marketDim, marketDim2;
// ...
marketDim = facts.dimension(function(d) {
  return d.Location;
marketDim2 = facts.dimension(function(d) {
  return d.Location;
// ...

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