
How to Split/Explode a string into a numbered lists in PHP?


str 选项是“你好,你好,你好”。


  1. 你好
  2. 你好
  3. 你好


$newstr = 'My values are' . explode(",", $str["options"]) . '<br/>';

但是,这会导致只打印单词 Array。请帮我解决这个问题:((

a) explode() 用逗号将字符串作为数组。

b) 遍历它并连接数字和文本。

c) 将所有这些连接的值保存到一个字符串中。

d) echo 这个字符串在最后。

$str["options"] = "Hello,Howdy,Hola";
$data = explode(",", $str["options"]);

$newstr = 'My values are'. PHP_EOL;
foreach($data as $key => $value){
    $number = $key+1;
    $newstr .= "$number.". $value . PHP_EOL;
echo $newstr;


注意:- 您也可以使用 <br> 而不是 PHP_EOL

试试这个,它会在 html 列表标签中打印出来



   $option = '';

   $newstr =  explode(",", $str["options"]) ;

   foreach($newstr as $option) {

   $option = trim($option); ?>

   <li><?php echo $option; ?></li>

  <?php } ?>


首先,您需要explode your array. That will create an indexed array, which starts the index from 0 up to 2. Next, you will need to implode it in some manner. Other answers are more explicit and use foreach, so this one provides an alternative, where you convert your array into the desired format via array_map. The function passed to array_map is a so-called callback, a function that is executed by array_map for each element, in this case, which is aware of the key and the value of each element. Now, we implode our input and, to make sure that we have some keys, we pass the result of array_keys

$input = explode(",", "Hello,Howdy,Hola");
$output = implode('<br>', array_map(
    function ($v, $k) {
        return ($k + 1).'. '.$v;