带有 openxlsx 包的 R 字符列上的 conditionalFormatting()

conditionalFormatting() on a character column in R with openxlsx package

我正在尝试使用 openxlsx 包在 R 中创建 excel table 输出。在创建输出之前,我需要对我的值进行两种类型的条件格式设置。

但是我无法完成此操作,因为我在 R 中将数字存储为文本 - 这是报告目的的要求。



tablex <- cbind.data.frame(vec1 = c("120","ug/L","10 ","1.38 ","2.53 ","80.7 ","<5 ","<1 ",
                                    "<1 "," <1 ","<1 ","<1 ","<1 ","<1 ","<1 ","73.6 ","61.7 J+","43.9 ",
                                    "43.1 ","<20 ","<5 ","153 ","131 ","151 ","140 "))
tablex$vec1 <- as.character(tablex$vec1)

### Table 3A ####
tables <- createWorkbook()
addWorksheet(tables, "TableX")
writeData(tables, "TableX", tablex, startCol = 1, startRow = 1, 
          rowNames = FALSE, keepNA = T,na.string = "--")

## conditional formatting styles ###
cond.style1 <- createStyle(bgFill = "grey", fontColour = "#9C0006",  halign = "center")
cond.style2 <- createStyle(fontColour = "grey",  halign = "center")

## works incorrectly ####
conditionalFormatting(tables, "TableX",cols = 1,
                      rows = 3:26,
                      rule = ">=$A", style = cond.style1)

##does not work! ####
# conditionalFormatting(tables, "TableX", cols = 1,
#                       rows = 3:26, type = "contains",
#                       rule = " <", style = cond.style2)

saveWorkbook(tables, file = "./Output/TablesX.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE)

cond.style1 突出显示正确符合规则的值,但也突出显示一些其他值。 '''cond.style2''' 根本不起作用。 R 控制台中没有出现错误,但是当我打开 excel 时,它会出现错误 Replaced Part: /xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml part with XML error. An attribute value must not contain '<'. Line 1, column 2145.



tablex <- cbind.data.frame(vec1 = c("120","ug/L","10 ","1.38 ","2.53 ","80.7 ","<5 ","<1 ",
                                    "<1 "," <1 ","<1 ","<1 ","<1 ","<1 ","<1 ","73.6 ","61.7 J+","43.9 ",
                                    "43.1 ","<20 ","<5 ","153 ","131 ","151 ","140 "))
tablex$vec1 <- as.character(tablex$vec1)

### Table 3A ####
tables <- createWorkbook()
addWorksheet(tables, "TableX")
writeData(tables, "TableX", tablex, startCol = 1, startRow = 1, 
          rowNames = FALSE, keepNA = T,na.string = "--")

cond.style1 <- createStyle(bgFill = "grey", fontColour = "#9C0006",  halign = "center")
cond.style2 <- createStyle(fontColour = "grey",  halign = "center")

for(i in 3:nrow(tablex)) {
  # i = 2
  thresh <- as.numeric(tablex$vec1[1])
  cur.val <- tablex$vec1[i]
  cur.val <- extract_numeric(cur.val)
  if(!is.na(cur.val) & cur.val>= thresh ) {
    addStyle(tables, sheet = 1, cond.style1, rows = (i+1), cols = 1, gridExpand = TRUE)
  } else {

saveWorkbook(tables, file = "./Output/TablesX.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE)