VBA 编辑 HTML 文件而不丢失 <head>...</head> 信息的代码
VBA code to edit HTML file without losing <head>...</head> information
我正在尝试创建一个 excel 宏来编辑我磁盘上的一个 html 文件。我正在使用这样的东西:
Sub changeImg()
Dim dom As HTMLDocument
Dim img As Object
Dim src As String
Set dom = CreateObject("htmlFile")
Open "C:\temp\test.html" For Input As #1
src = Input$(LOF(1), 1)
Close #1
dom.body.innerHTML = src
Set img = dom.getelementsbytagname("img")(0)
img.src = "..."
Open "C:\temp\test.html" For Output As #1
Print #1, dom.DocumentElement.outerHTML
Close #1
End Sub
<\head> 中的所有信息。我无法弄清楚如何保留所有 html 代码并仅使用 getElementById 替换我想要的代码。任何帮助或方向表示赞赏。谢谢。
Dim doc
Set doc = CreateObject("htmlfile")
doc.Open "text/html"
'next line could use content read from a file...
doc.write "<html><head><title>The title</title></head><body>The body</body></html>"
Debug.Print doc.Title
Debug.Print doc.body.innerText
doc.Title = "New Title here"
doc.body.innerHTML = "New body here"
Debug.Print doc.Title
Debug.Print doc.body.innerText
Debug.Print doc.DocumentElement.outerHTML 'or write to file...
Dim doc
Set doc = CreateObject("htmlfile")
Dim src As String
doc.Open 'next line could use content read from a file...
Open "C:\new.html" For Input As #1 'this is my line to read from a file.
src = Input$(LOF(1), 1)
Close #1
doc.write src
Debug.Print doc.Title
Debug.Print doc.body.innerText
doc.Title = "New Title here"
doc.body.innerHTML = "New body here"
Debug.Print doc.Title
Debug.Print doc.body.innerText
Debug.Print doc.DocumentElement.outerHTML 'or write to file...
Open "C:\new.html" For Output As #1 'this is my line to write to a file
Print #1, doc.DocumentElement.outerHTML
Close #1
我正在尝试创建一个 excel 宏来编辑我磁盘上的一个 html 文件。我正在使用这样的东西:
Sub changeImg()
Dim dom As HTMLDocument
Dim img As Object
Dim src As String
Set dom = CreateObject("htmlFile")
Open "C:\temp\test.html" For Input As #1
src = Input$(LOF(1), 1)
Close #1
dom.body.innerHTML = src
Set img = dom.getelementsbytagname("img")(0)
img.src = "..."
Open "C:\temp\test.html" For Output As #1
Print #1, dom.DocumentElement.outerHTML
Close #1
End Sub
<\head> 中的所有信息。我无法弄清楚如何保留所有 html 代码并仅使用 getElementById 替换我想要的代码。任何帮助或方向表示赞赏。谢谢。尝试这样的事情:
Dim doc
Set doc = CreateObject("htmlfile")
doc.Open "text/html"
'next line could use content read from a file...
doc.write "<html><head><title>The title</title></head><body>The body</body></html>"
Debug.Print doc.Title
Debug.Print doc.body.innerText
doc.Title = "New Title here"
doc.body.innerHTML = "New body here"
Debug.Print doc.Title
Debug.Print doc.body.innerText
Debug.Print doc.DocumentElement.outerHTML 'or write to file...
Dim doc
Set doc = CreateObject("htmlfile")
Dim src As String
doc.Open 'next line could use content read from a file...
Open "C:\new.html" For Input As #1 'this is my line to read from a file.
src = Input$(LOF(1), 1)
Close #1
doc.write src
Debug.Print doc.Title
Debug.Print doc.body.innerText
doc.Title = "New Title here"
doc.body.innerHTML = "New body here"
Debug.Print doc.Title
Debug.Print doc.body.innerText
Debug.Print doc.DocumentElement.outerHTML 'or write to file...
Open "C:\new.html" For Output As #1 'this is my line to write to a file
Print #1, doc.DocumentElement.outerHTML
Close #1