super class 调用的 respondsToSelector

respondsToSelector for super class invocation


- (void) someMethod
    if ([super respondsToSelector:@selector(someMethod)])
        [super performSelector:@selector(someMethod)

someMethod 存在于 superclass 上。据我所知,如果没有这样的方法,运行时将向链中的下一个响应者询问这样的方法,直到 NSObject class。而且我确信,if 语句将 return 否。

声明return是的。之后它执行选择器而不会崩溃。结果 - 无限递归。


  1. 为什么 [super respondsToSelector:@selector(someMethod)] return 是?
  2. 为什么 [super performSelector:@selector(someMethod) withObject:nil] 不会因错误 'does not responds to selector' 而崩溃?

我想我错过了一些重要的东西。 请帮忙。

是的,您错过了您建议的重要内容。来自 respondsToSelector:


You cannot test whether an object inherits a method from its superclass by sending respondsToSelector: to the object using the super keyword. This method will still be testing the object as a whole, not just the superclass’s implementation. Therefore, sending respondsToSelector: to super is equivalent to sending it to self. Instead, you must invoke the NSObject class method instancesRespondToSelector: directly on the object’s superclass, as illustrated in the following code fragment.

if( [MySuperclass instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(aMethod)] )
   // invoke the inherited method
   [super aMethod];