存储的图像保存为 'octet-stream' 而不是 image/jpeg (firebase 和 React Native)

Images put to storage are saved as 'octet-stream' rather than image/jpeg (firebase and ReactNative)

我正在使用相机(react-native-image-Picker)进行选择并将其保存到存储中。 这是我的做法。

const saveImage = async () => {
    const id = firebase.firestore().collection('food').doc().id
    const storageRef = firebase.storage().ref()
    const fileRef = storageRef.child(file.fileName) //name of image to store
    await fileRef.put(file) //store image

      image: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion({
        name: file.fileName,
        url: await fileRef.getDownloadURL()

console.log(typeof file);
gives => "object"

//gives => 
file = {height: 2322, 
width: 4128, 
fileName: "rn_image_picker_lib_temp_7a0448df-1fac-4ac7-a47c-402c62ecce4c.jpg", 
type: "image/jpeg"}

结果: 在 Firebase(存储)中,图像被保存为 application/octet-stream 而不是 image/jpeg。 图片未显示,从存储中下载时显示未定义。


Reference#put() 方法接受 BlobUint8ArrayArrayBuffer。您的“文件”对象似乎不是这些中的任何一个。

相反,我们需要将文件读入内存(使用 react-native-fs - 称为 RNFS),然后上传该数据以及所需的元数据。因为文件被 RNFS 读取为 base64,所以我们将使用 Reference#putString 代替,因为它接受 Base64 字符串进行上传。

const rnfs = require('react-native-fs');

const saveImage = async () => {
  const capture = /* this is your "file" object, renamed as it's not a `File` object */
  const fileRef = firebase.storage().ref(capture.fileName);
  const captureBase64Data = await rnfs.readFile(capture.uri, 'base64');
  const uploadSnapshot = await fileRef.putString(captureBase64Data, 'base64', {
    contentType: capture.type,
    customMetadata: {
      height: capture.height,
      width: capture.width

  // const id = colRef.doc().id and colRef.doc(id).update() can be replaced with just colRef.add() (colRef being a CollectionReference)

  return await firebase.firestore().collection('food').add({
    image: {
      name: capture.fileName,
      url: await fileRef.getDownloadURL()


const uploadImage = async () => {
    const response = await fetch(file.uri)
    const blob = await response.blob();
    var ref = firebase.storage().ref().child("FolderName");
    return ref.put(blob)