为什么 PlayerNotificationManager 不在 Android 11(R) 中的 startForeground 上显示通知?

Why PlayerNotificationManager not showing Notification on startForeground in Android 11(R)?

我将 PlayerNotificationManager 与 Exoplayer 一起使用,最多 Android 10 个通知托盘在 startForeground() 上可见,但在我升级到 Android 11 时,在我的 phone 之一中,媒体播放器的通知托盘停止显示。


这里我在 Google Pixel Now 上调试:

正在 Google Pixel android 11 上工作,但不在三星 G973F 上。 为什么这不适用于三星?


// Create a media session. NotificationCompat.MediaStyle
// PlayerService is your own Service or Activity responsible for media playback.  
val mediaSession = MediaSessionCompat(this, "PlayerService")

// Create a MediaStyle object and supply your media session token to it. 
val mediaStyle = Notification.MediaStyle().setMediaSession(mediaSession.sessionToken)

// Create a Notification which is styled by your MediaStyle object. 
// This connects your media session to the media controls. 
// Don't forget to include a small icon.
val notification = Notification.Builder(this@PlayerService, CHANNEL_ID)

// Specify any actions which your users can perform, such as pausing and skipping to 
the next track. 
val pauseAction: Notification.Action = Notification.Action.Builder(
        pauseIcon, "Pause", pauseIntent

查看此 link 以获取完整指南 https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2020/08/playing-nicely-with-media-controls.html

在这里,我在 git ExoPlayer 上出现了问题,这是一个特定于设备的问题, 所以,这是那个问题的link,


将 MediaSessionConnector 与 ExoPlayer PlayerNotificationManager 和 MediaSessions 结合使用:


