
Why does initialization happen in the following case?

我正在阅读这本书:“C++:完整参考”,4e。在copy constructors的题目中,写了以下内容:

It is important to understand that C++ defines two distinct types of situations in which the value of one object is given to another. The first is an assignment. The second is an initialization, which can occur in any of the three ways:

  1. When one object explicitly initializes another, such as in declaration. E.g. myClass x = y;
  2. When a copy of an object is made to be passed to a function. E.g. func(y); // where y is an object of some class.
  3. When a temporary object is generated (most commonly, as a return value). E.g. y = func(); // y receiving a temporary, return object.


在第三种情况下,如果函数 returns 是一个临时对象,为什么 assignment 操作不会在 y[=25= 之间发生] 和临时对象?





std::string name; *A variable is declared but not initialised*
std::string name = 'Sarah'; *The variable is initialised*
name = 'Lisa' *The variable is reassigned a value*

情况3,函数需要创建一个临时对象,该对象只存在于函数作用域内。然后它 returns 这个,如果没有另外定义,作为一个值。并且可以将值赋值给已有的y,或者y初始化,如果之前没有值


Person peter = Person{'Peter'} *A new person named peter is created*
Person betterPeter = peter *You initalize newPeter with Peter*

那只会复制peter的地址。因此,如果您在 betterPeter 中进行任何更改,peter 将受到相同更改的影响。您想要的是拥有一个将所有元​​素从 peter 复制到 betterPeter 的函数。这并不难:https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/copy_constructor