如何从另一个 AWS 账户的快照恢复 Redshift 集群

How to restore Redshift cluster from another AWS Account's snapshot

我想从另一个帐户的快照恢复 Redshift 集群。

首先,我在账户 A 中手动拍摄了快照。然后我成功地将此快照共享到账户 B。所以现在我想从账户 B 中的该快照恢复一个新集群。


aws redshift restore-from-cluster-snapshot --node-type ds2.8xlarge --number-of-nodes 5 --snapshot-identifier snap-a-id --cluster-identifier cluster-b


An error occurred (ClusterSnapshotNotFound) when calling the RestoreFromClusterSnapshot operation: Snapshot not found: snap-a-id

我可以在我的 AWS 控制台上看到 snap-a-id

来自restore-from-cluster-snapshot — AWS CLI Command Reference

--owner-account (string)

The AWS customer account used to create or copy the snapshot. Required if you are restoring a snapshot you do not own, optional if you own the snapshot.