observablehq 上使用了什么 HTML 处理?

What HTML processing is used on observablehq?

我刚刚阅读了 the changes in d6.js version 6 and stumbled across this d3.groups() example on observablehq.com

在那里,我看到了以下代码片段,它从 Map athletesBySport:

创建了一个 HTML table
  <tbody>${Array.from(athletesBySport, ([key, values]) => html`
      <td>${values.map(d => d.name).join(", ")}</td>




sign 似乎允许执行生成内联 html.


可以找到这个问题的答案here, in Observable's standard library. This introduction也探索了标准库。


部分“只是”一个 JavaScript tagged template literal,即用特定方法解析的 JavaScript 模板文字。

来自 Observable 的文档:


Returns the HTML element represented by the specified HTML string literal. This function is intended to be used as a tagged template literal. Leading and trailing whitespace is automatically trimmed. For example, to create an H1 element whose content is “Hello, world!”: html`<h1>Hello, world!`

文档进一步说明了如何处理嵌入 $ 的表达式:

If an embedded expression is a DOM element, it is embedded in generated HTML. For example, to embed TeX within HTML:

html`I like ${tex`\KaTeX`} for math.`

If an embedded expression is an array, the elements of the array are embedded in the generated HTML.

Observable 中有更多可用的标记文字,例如 svg, md for markdown, tex 用于 LaTex,等等。