P4 Windows 命令行:获取特定流的工作区?

P4 Windows command line: getting Workspaces for specific Streams?

我正在尝试获取特定 Perforce(我的机器)上为特定流创建的工作区列表。我可以设置主机,但还没有找到收集这组特定信息的方法。有没有人有这方面的经验 -- 将不胜感激!

p4 clients -S streamName

p4 help clients:

    clients -- Display list of clients

    p4 clients [-t] [-u user] [[-e|-E] nameFilter -m max] [-S stream]

        Lists all client workspaces currently defined in the server.


        The -S stream flag limits output to the client workspaces dedicated
        to the stream.