使用 Free Monad 实现词法分析器
Implementing a lexer using the Free Monad
我正在考虑 free monad 的一个用例,它是一个简单的词法分析 DSL。到目前为止,我想出了一些原始操作:
data LexF r where
POP :: (Char -> r) -> LexF r
PEEK :: (Char -> r) -> LexF r
FAIL :: LexF r
instance Functor LexF where
type Lex = Free LexF
我遇到的问题是我想要一个 CHOICE
原语来描述尝试执行一个解析器并在失败时回退到另一个解析器的操作。像 CHOICE :: LexF r -> LexF r -> (r -> r) -> LexF r
...楼梯从这里开始。由于 r
预设在逆变位置,因此不可能(是吗?)为 Op
创建有效的 Functor
实例。我想出了一些其他的想法,即概括替代词法分析器的类型,所以 CHOICE :: LexF a -> LexF a -> (a -> r) -> LexF r
– 现在它作为 Functor
工作,尽管问题在于将其解冻为 Free
,就像我通常用 liftF
choice :: OpF a -> OpF a -> OpF a
choice c1 c2 = liftF $ CHOICE _ _ id -- how to fill the holes :: Op a ?
我真的运行没主意了。这当然可以推广到几乎所有其他组合器,我只是发现 CHOICE
是一个很好的最小案例。如何应对?我很高兴听到这个例子完全坏了,它不能像我想的那样与 Free
一起工作。但是因此,以这种方式编写 lexers/parsers 是否有意义?
作为使用自由 monad 的一般规则,您不想为“monadic 控制”引入原语。例如,SEQUENCE
原语是不明智的,因为免费的 monad 本身提供了排序。同样,不建议使用 CHOICE
的现代版本中有 ,因为等效的功能由基于列表的 monad 的免费 monad 转换器提供,即 FreeT f []
data LexF r where
POP :: (Char -> r) -> LexF r
PEEK :: (Char -> r) -> LexF r
deriving instance Functor LexF
type Lex = FreeT LexF []
pop :: (Char -> a) -> Lex a
pop f = liftF $ POP f
peek :: (Char -> a) -> Lex a
peek f = liftF $ PEEK f
但没有 FAIL
如果您要定义 fail
和 choice
组合器,它们将通过使用变换器魔法的列表基 monad 来定义:
fail :: Lex a
fail = empty
choice :: Lex a -> Lex a -> Lex a
choice = (<|>)
SPOILERS follow...无论如何,你现在可以这样写:
anyChar :: Lex Char
anyChar = pop id
char :: Char -> Lex Char
char c = do
c' <- anyChar
guard $ c == c'
return c'
a_or_b :: Lex Char
a_or_b = char 'a' <|> char 'b'
为您的 monad 基元提供解释器,在本例中将它们解释为 StateT String []
AKA String -> [(a,String)]
type Parser = StateT String []
runLex :: Lex a -> Parser a
runLex = iterTM go
where go :: LexF (Parser a) -> Parser a
go (POP f) = StateT pop' >>= f
where pop' (c:cs) = [(c,cs)]
pop' _ = []
go (PEEK f) = StateT peek' >>= f
where peek' (c:cs) = [(c,c:cs)]
peek' _ = []
parse :: Lex a -> String -> [(a, String)]
parse = runStateT . runLex
main :: IO ()
main = do
let test = parse a_or_b
print $ test "abc"
print $ test "bca"
print $ test "cde"
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
data LexF r where
POP :: (Char -> r) -> LexF r
PEEK :: (Char -> r) -> LexF r
deriving instance Functor LexF
type Lex = FreeT LexF []
pop :: (Char -> a) -> Lex a
pop f = liftF $ POP f
peek :: (Char -> a) -> Lex a
peek f = liftF $ PEEK f
anyChar :: Lex Char
anyChar = pop id
char :: Char -> Lex Char
char c = do
c' <- anyChar
guard $ c == c'
return c'
a_or_b :: Lex Char
a_or_b = char 'a' <|> char 'b'
type Parser = StateT String []
runLex :: Lex a -> Parser a
runLex = iterTM go
where go :: LexF (Parser a) -> Parser a
go (POP f) = StateT pop' >>= f
where pop' (c:cs) = [(c,cs)]
pop' _ = []
go (PEEK f) = StateT peek' >>= f
where peek' (c:cs) = [(c,c:cs)]
peek' _ = []
parse :: Lex a -> String -> [(a, String)]
parse = runStateT . runLex
main :: IO ()
main = do
let test = parse a_or_b
print $ test "abc"
print $ test "bca"
print $ test "cde"
我正在考虑 free monad 的一个用例,它是一个简单的词法分析 DSL。到目前为止,我想出了一些原始操作:
data LexF r where
POP :: (Char -> r) -> LexF r
PEEK :: (Char -> r) -> LexF r
FAIL :: LexF r
instance Functor LexF where
type Lex = Free LexF
我遇到的问题是我想要一个 CHOICE
原语来描述尝试执行一个解析器并在失败时回退到另一个解析器的操作。像 CHOICE :: LexF r -> LexF r -> (r -> r) -> LexF r
...楼梯从这里开始。由于 r
预设在逆变位置,因此不可能(是吗?)为 Op
创建有效的 Functor
实例。我想出了一些其他的想法,即概括替代词法分析器的类型,所以 CHOICE :: LexF a -> LexF a -> (a -> r) -> LexF r
– 现在它作为 Functor
工作,尽管问题在于将其解冻为 Free
,就像我通常用 liftF
choice :: OpF a -> OpF a -> OpF a
choice c1 c2 = liftF $ CHOICE _ _ id -- how to fill the holes :: Op a ?
我真的运行没主意了。这当然可以推广到几乎所有其他组合器,我只是发现 CHOICE
是一个很好的最小案例。如何应对?我很高兴听到这个例子完全坏了,它不能像我想的那样与 Free
一起工作。但是因此,以这种方式编写 lexers/parsers 是否有意义?
作为使用自由 monad 的一般规则,您不想为“monadic 控制”引入原语。例如,SEQUENCE
原语是不明智的,因为免费的 monad 本身提供了排序。同样,不建议使用 CHOICE
的现代版本中有 FreeT f []
data LexF r where
POP :: (Char -> r) -> LexF r
PEEK :: (Char -> r) -> LexF r
deriving instance Functor LexF
type Lex = FreeT LexF []
pop :: (Char -> a) -> Lex a
pop f = liftF $ POP f
peek :: (Char -> a) -> Lex a
peek f = liftF $ PEEK f
但没有 FAIL
如果您要定义 fail
和 choice
组合器,它们将通过使用变换器魔法的列表基 monad 来定义:
fail :: Lex a
fail = empty
choice :: Lex a -> Lex a -> Lex a
choice = (<|>)
SPOILERS follow...无论如何,你现在可以这样写:
anyChar :: Lex Char
anyChar = pop id
char :: Char -> Lex Char
char c = do
c' <- anyChar
guard $ c == c'
return c'
a_or_b :: Lex Char
a_or_b = char 'a' <|> char 'b'
为您的 monad 基元提供解释器,在本例中将它们解释为 StateT String []
AKA String -> [(a,String)]
type Parser = StateT String []
runLex :: Lex a -> Parser a
runLex = iterTM go
where go :: LexF (Parser a) -> Parser a
go (POP f) = StateT pop' >>= f
where pop' (c:cs) = [(c,cs)]
pop' _ = []
go (PEEK f) = StateT peek' >>= f
where peek' (c:cs) = [(c,c:cs)]
peek' _ = []
parse :: Lex a -> String -> [(a, String)]
parse = runStateT . runLex
main :: IO ()
main = do
let test = parse a_or_b
print $ test "abc"
print $ test "bca"
print $ test "cde"
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
data LexF r where
POP :: (Char -> r) -> LexF r
PEEK :: (Char -> r) -> LexF r
deriving instance Functor LexF
type Lex = FreeT LexF []
pop :: (Char -> a) -> Lex a
pop f = liftF $ POP f
peek :: (Char -> a) -> Lex a
peek f = liftF $ PEEK f
anyChar :: Lex Char
anyChar = pop id
char :: Char -> Lex Char
char c = do
c' <- anyChar
guard $ c == c'
return c'
a_or_b :: Lex Char
a_or_b = char 'a' <|> char 'b'
type Parser = StateT String []
runLex :: Lex a -> Parser a
runLex = iterTM go
where go :: LexF (Parser a) -> Parser a
go (POP f) = StateT pop' >>= f
where pop' (c:cs) = [(c,cs)]
pop' _ = []
go (PEEK f) = StateT peek' >>= f
where peek' (c:cs) = [(c,c:cs)]
peek' _ = []
parse :: Lex a -> String -> [(a, String)]
parse = runStateT . runLex
main :: IO ()
main = do
let test = parse a_or_b
print $ test "abc"
print $ test "bca"
print $ test "cde"