与 HP 质量中心中的 TestID 对应的缺陷 ID?

Defect ID corresponding to a TestID in HP Quality Center?


Dim TSTestFact = tsObject.TSTestFactory
Dim TestSetTestsList = TSTestFact.NewList("")

For Each tsInstance In TestSetTestsList
            Dim tid As String = tsInstance.ID
            Dim testqcID As String = tsInstance.TestID
            Dim testname As String = tsInstance.Name
            Dim statusOfTest As String = tsInstance.Status

这工作正常。现在,QC 中也提供了缺陷,我需要知道对应于 TestID 的 "Defect ID"。关于如何访问 Quality Center 中的 "Defect ID" 有什么建议吗? 谢谢

在您的 for 循环中添加以下逻辑

Dim tsTest as TSTest = tsInstance
Dim linkFactory as LinkFactory = tsTest.LinkFactory
// From link factory object extract defects which are linked to corresponding test
