Jmeter 中的 x-appiyo-key 和 x-appiyo-hash 是什么?

What is x-appiyo-key and x-appiyo-hash in Jmeter?

我在 Jmeter 中录制了一个脚本,它有一个加密格式的 body。我在 request/response headers 中得到 x-appiyo-hash 和 x-appiyo-key,我想用它来解密吗?我想形成一个正常的可读 body 以便我可以使用 csv 数据文件对其进行参数化。

它们似乎是 custom HTTP Headers (HTTP Headers,从 X-) 开始,所以我怀疑这里的任何人都可以提供答案,您应该联系您的应用程序开发人员了解详情。

如果不能correlated - then you need to generate them somehow, my expectation is that it's being done using JavaScript in browser so you need to either asks around for the algorithm or inspect your application using browser developer tools, once you know what needs to be done - you can replicate the code using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language and add them to your request via HTTP Header Manager