fp-ts:如何合并多个 Option 生产者?

fp-ts: How to combine multiple Option producers?

我正在寻找具有这种行为的 fp-ts 函数:

function compute1(arg: number): Option<number>;
function compute2(arg: number): Option<number>;
function compute3(arg: number): Option<number>;

function compute(arg: number): Option<number> {
  const first = compute1(arg)
  if (isSome(first)) return first

  const second = compute2(arg)
  if (isSome(second)) return second

  const third = compute3(arg)
  if (isSome(third)) return third

  return none

// For example I am looking for this `or` function:
const compute = or([

我找不到相应的函数 in the documentation of Option here

我认为您正在 Option 库中查找 getLastMonoid。这将为您提供最正确的 some 值,如下面的 table 所示:

x y concat(x, y)
none none none
some(a) none some(a)
none some(a) some(a)
some(a) some(b) some(b)

然而,这仅对 Option 对有帮助,为了将其应用于 Option 的数组,您需要依赖 reduceRight 函数 Array。类似于 vanilla javascript 数组中的 reduce 函数,它将采用初始值 B 并将其传递给一个函数 f,直到它遍历整个数组。


import { getLastMonoid, some, none, Option } from "fp-ts/lib/Option";
import { reduceRight } from "fp-ts/lib/Array";

import { pipe } from "fp-ts/lib/function";

const M = getLastMonoid<number>();

const list = [some(1), some(2), some(3)];

const compute = (list: Option<number>[]): Option<number> =>
  pipe(list, reduceRight(none, M.concat));

console.log(compute(list)); // some(3)