V8 多线程函数

V8 Multithreaded function

我正在编写 Node 插件,但在尝试从 C++ 工作线程调用 V8 函数对象时遇到问题。

我的插件基本上启动 C++ std::thread 并使用 WaitForSingleOject() 进入等待循环,这是由不同的 C++ 应用程序(X-Plane 插件)写入共享内存触发的。我试图让我的节点插件在 Windows 共享事件发出信号时唤醒,然后调用我从节点应用程序注册的 JavaScript 函数,该函数将依次传递数据起源于 X-Plane 回到 Node 和网络世界。

我已经设法弄清楚如何注册一个 JavaScript 函数并从 C++ 调用它,但只能在 V8 主线程中调用。我似乎找不到从 std::thread 调用函数的方法。

我尝试了各种方法,Locker 对象(变量成功),持久函数(没用),保存主隔离对象,entering/exiting 隔离,但是 if/when 代码最终到达无效的函数对象。


我是 V8 的新手,所以我不确定我做的是否正确。问题代码如下:


float* mem = 0;
HANDLE event = NULL;
Isolate* thisIsolate;

void readSharedMemory()
    //Isolate* isolate = Isolate::GetCurrent();
    //HandleScope scope(isolate);

    v8::Locker locker(thisIsolate);
    v8::Isolate::Scope isolateScope(thisIsolate);
    //HandleScope scope(thisIsolate);        

    //v8::Local<Value> myVal = v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "Plugin world");
    v8::Local<Value> myVal = v8::Number::New(thisIsolate, *mem);

    // If it get's this far 'myFunction' is not valid
    bool isFun = myFunction->IsFunction();
    isFun = callbackFunction->IsFunction();

    v8::Context *thisContext = *(thisIsolate->GetCurrentContext());
    myFunction->Call(thisContext->Global(), 1, &(Handle<Value>(myVal)));

void registerCallback(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args)
    Isolate* isolate = Isolate::GetCurrent();
    v8::Locker locker(isolate);
    HandleScope scope(isolate);

    /** Standard parameter checking code removed **/

    // Various attempts at saving a function object
    v8::Local<v8::Value> func = args[0];
    bool isFun = func->IsFunction();

    Handle<Object> callbackObject = args[0]->ToObject();

    callbackFunction = Handle<Function>::Cast(callbackObject);
    isFun = callbackFunction->IsFunction();

    // save the function call object - This appears to work
    myFunction = v8::Function::Cast(*callbackObject);
    isFun = myFunction->IsFunction();

    // Test the function - this works *without* the Unlocker object below
    v8::Local<Value> myVal = v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "Plugin world");   
    myFunction->Call(isolate->GetCurrentContext()->Global(), 1, &(Handle<Value>(myVal)));

void threadFunc()
    // If I include this unlocker, the function call test above fails.
    // If I don't include it, the app hangs trying to create the locker in 'readSharedMemory()'
    //v8::Unlocker unlocker(thisIsolate); 

    event = OpenEventW(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, L"Global\myEventObject");
    DWORD err = GetLastError();

    //thisIsolate = v8::Isolate::New();

    std::cout << "Hello from thread" << std::endl;
    bool runThread = true;

    while (runThread)
        DWORD dwWaitResult;
        DWORD waitTime = 60000;
        dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(event, waitTime);

        err = GetLastError();

        if (dwWaitResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
            runThread = false;

        // event has been signaled - continue

void init(Handle<Object> exports) 

    // save the isolate - Is this a safe thing to do?
    thisIsolate = Isolate::GetCurrent();
    //Launch a thread
    eventThread = std::thread(threadFunc);

您可能需要一点 libuv 魔法才能获得 main 节点。js/v8 线程从 另一个执行回调 线程。这将涉及:

  • A uv_async_t handle 作为主 v8 线程的唤醒呼叫:

    extern uv_async_t       async;
  • 一个 uv_async_init 调用,它将 uv_async_t 绑定到 V8 默认循环:

    uv_async_init(uv_default_loop(), &async, async_cb_handler);
  • 和一个事件处理程序,它将作用于 v8 主线程上的 uvasync_t 事件:

    void async_cb_handler(uv_async_t *handle) {
        NotifInfo *notif;
        mutex::scoped_lock sl(zqueue_mutex);
        while (!zqueue.empty()) {
            notif = zqueue.front();
            delete notif;
  • 最后,您可能还需要一个受互斥锁保护的队列,以便能够将一些数据从 c++ 插件线程传递到 Node/V8:

    extern mutex                   zqueue_mutex;
    extern std::queue<NotifInfo *> zqueue;
  • 当您的 C++ 线程 发生某些事情时,只需将一个新项目推送到互斥保护队列,然后调用 uv_async_send 唤醒V8 的默认事件循环(所谓的 'main thread')来处理项目(然后可以调用您的 Javascript 回调)

    void ozw_watcher_callback(OpenZWave::Notification const *cb, void *ctx) {
        NotifInfo *notif = new NotifInfo();
        notif->type   = cb->GetType();
        notif->homeid = cb->GetHomeId();
        mutex::scoped_lock sl(zqueue_mutex);

(摘自 the official Node.JS addon for OpenZWave 的代码片段)