Laravel Backpack CRUDController return redirect() 或跳过中间件 运行 redirect()

Laravel Backpack CRUDController return redirect() or skip middleware run redirect()

如何从 protected function setupListOperation() 或 CrudController 中的任何其他方法 运行 return redirect()->to('/')

当我检查 CrudController

$this->middleware(function ($request, $next) {
            $this->crud = app()->make('crud');


//COMMENT: as I return from the setupListOperation, then it will run the below return $next.
            return $next($request);

return $next($request); 不会执行我的 return redirect();


HTTP/1.0 302 Found Cache-Control: no-cache, private Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2021 09:16:52 GMT Location: http://backpack.test/admin/ Redirecting to http://backpack.test/admin/.


佩德罗·马丁斯@pxpm 21:24

@shiroamada 如果你想重定向你必须覆盖背包不应该 运行 的功能,而是应该做你的重定向。 ListOperation 在 index() 方法中处理。因此,您需要覆盖 ListOperation 的 index() 方法并在那里进行重定向。以下是覆盖 crud 函数的方法,根据需要进行更改:

    public function index()
        //custom code for redirect
            $previous_url = parse_url(url()->previous());
            $member_id = ltrim($previous_url['query'], 'member_id=');

            return redirect('/admin/member/'.$member_id.'/show');
        //.custom code for redirect
        //original index code

        $this->data['crud'] = $this->crud;
        $this->data['title'] = $this->crud->getTitle() ?? mb_ucfirst($this->crud->entity_name_plural);

        // load the view from /resources/views/vendor/backpack/crud/ if it exists, otherwise load the one in the package
        return view($this->crud->getListView(), $this->data);