cassandra driver 在连接过程中如何找到第一个联系的主机?

How to find the first host contacted by cassandra driver during connection?


WARNING:cassandra.cluster:Cluster.__init__ called with contact_points specified, but no load_balancing_policy. In the next major version, this will raise an error; please specify a load-balancing policy. (contact_points = ['cassandranode1,;cassandranode2'], lbp = None)
DEBUG:cassandra.cluster:Connecting to cluster, contact points: ['cassandranode1,;cassandranode2']; protocol version: 4 loop dispatch with
DEBUG:cassandra.pool:Host is now marked up
DEBUG:cassandra.pool:Host is now marked up
DEBUG:cassandra.cluster:[control connection] Opening new connection to

建立连接后,您可以立即使用 cluster.get_control_connection_host function to get information about host to which so-called control connection is established. It's used for administrative purposes, such as getting the updates on the status of the nodes in the cluster, etc. There is more information about control connection in the documentation of Java driver