
How can I create a chart from unique values in a range

我有正在通过用户表单填充到作品中的项目sheet。当我打开工作簿时,我试图让工具去 sheet 抓取数据并在主登陆 sheet.

上生成一个 chart/dashboard

数据范围内包含状态。我希望 VBA 查看一列数据并创建一个图表来计算每个不同的状态并将其放入条形图中。

yaxis = 不同的状态


Sub populatecharts()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim ch As Chart
    Dim tablerng As Range
    Dim rng1 As Range
    Dim rng2 As Range
    Dim rng3 As Range
    Dim sh As String

    Set ws = ActiveSheet

    'When the workbook opens it should always check the data and populate the BA Dashboard
    'I need to check for sheets and if they exist generate a chart from the data

    sh = "Action"
    On Error Resume Next

    Worksheets("Action").Visible = True

    If CheckSheetExist(sh) = False Then
        GoTo nextchart1
        'Set ws = ActiveSheet
        Set rng1 = Range("G4", Range("G4", "G4").End(xlDown))
        'Set rng2 = Range("B2")
        'Set rng3 = Range("C3")
        'Set tablerng = rng1 '& rng2 & rng3
        Set ch = ws.Shapes.AddChart2(Width:=200, Height:=200, Left:=Range("B4").Left, Top:=Range("B4").Top).chart

        With ch
            .SetSourceData Source:=rng1
            .ChartType = xlBarClustered
            .ChartTitle.Text = "Action Items by Status"
        End With

        Worksheets("Action").Visible = False
    End If


请尝试下一种方法。它使用字典来提取唯一值及其计数和数组以提供必要的系列。尝试 运行 it on active sheet 并仅在确认它 returns 是您需要的后才根据您的情况调整它:

Sub populatecharts()
  Dim shT As Worksheet, ch As Chart, lastRow As Long
  Dim arrY, arrX, i As Long, dict As Object
  Set shT = ActiveSheet 'use here the sheet you need
  lastRow = shT.Range("G" & shT.Rows.count).End(xlUp).row
  arrX = shT.Range("G4:G" & lastRow).Value        'put the range in a array
  Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'needed for the next step
  On Error Resume Next
   shT.ChartObjects("MyChartXY").Delete   'for the case of re running need
  On Error GoTo 0

  For i = 1 To UBound(arrX)
    If Not dict.Exists(arrX(i, 1)) Then
        dict(arrX(i, 1)) = 1                    'create the unique keys
        dict(arrX(i, 1)) = dict(arrX(i, 1)) + 1 'increment the key next occurrrence
    End If
  Next i
  arrX = dict.Keys: arrY = dict.Items           'extract the necessary arrays
  Set ch = shT.ChartObjects.Add(left:=shT.Range("B4").left, _
            top:=shT.Range("B4").top, width:=200, height:=200).Chart
  With ch
    .ChartType = xlBarClustered
    .HasTitle = True
    .ChartTitle.Text = "Action Items by Status"
    .SeriesCollection.NewSeries.Values = arrY   'feed it with the array elements
    .SeriesCollection(1).XValues = arrX         'feed it with the array elements
  End With
End Sub
