在 C++ 函数中返回对类型会阻止编译

Returning a pair type in C++ function prevents complation

我有一个 C++ 函数 header:

int DECLSPEC __cdecl HandleUpdate(uint8_t* MessageBuffer, uint32_t MessageLength );

但是,我不希望这个功能return一个int,我现在需要它return一个std::pair<uint8_t*, uint32_t>*

.h 和 [=18] 中仅从字面上更改 return 类型 (并在函数中添加 return 值) =] 文件抛出这些错误,尽管当 return 类型是标准类型(intboolvoid)时代码编译正确:

//all of these errors pertain to the code snippets I have made available

error C2059: syntax error: '__declspec(dllexport)'                 //on the declaration in the header file
error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';'                     //on the declaration in the header file
error C2059: syntax error: '__declspec(dllexport)'                 // on `std` in the return type in the .cpp file
error C2039: 'HandleUpdate': is not a member of 'EACServer'        //in the .cpp file
error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{'                  //on opening curly bracket of .cpp file function
error C2447: '{': missing function header (old-style formal list?) //on opening curly bracket of .cpp file function


std::pair<uint8_t*, uint32_t>* DECLSPEC __cdecl HandleUpdate(uint8_t* MessageBuffer, uint32_t MessageLength) const;

std::pair<uint8_t*, uint32_t>* DECLSPEC __cdecl EACServer::HandleUpdate(uint8_t* MessageBuffer, uint32_t MessageLength)
    //do some cool stuff
    std::pair<uint8_t*, uint32_t> tmp( MessageBuffer, MessageLength );
    this->messageArray[this->messagesInArray] = tmp;
    this->messagesInArray += 1;
    return this->messageArray;

我正在使用 VS 2017 并在 Windows 10 x64 机器上编译为 Release x64。

我定义 return 类型的方式有问题吗?



Header 文件

// Foo.h
#pragma once
#ifndef Foo_H
#define Foo_H

#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <utility>

class Foo:
    std::pair<uint8_t*, uint32_t>* DECLSPEC __cdecl HandleUpdate( uint8_t* 
    MessageBuffer,uint32_t MessageLength );
    mutable std::pair<uint8_t*, uint32_t>* messageArray;
    mutable int messagesInArray;

.CPP 文件:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

#include "Foo.h"

typedef int( __cdecl* MYPROC )( LPWSTR );

std::pair<uint8_t*, uint32_t>* DECLSPEC __cdecl EACServer::HandleUpdate(                                               uint8_t* MessageBuffer, uint32_t MessageLength )
    std::pair<uint8_t*, uint32_t> tmp( MessageBuffer, MessageLength );
    this->messageArray[this->messagesInArray] = tmp;
    this->messagesInArray += 1;
return this->messageArray;

int main()
Foo bar = Foo();
uint8_t* MessageBuffer = 0;
uint32_t MessageLength = 0;
std::pair<uint8_t*, uint32_t>* result = bar.HandleUpdate(MessageBuffer, MessageLength);

.cpp 中的定义中删除 __decslspec(dllexport)。并放在行首。

Exporting from a DLL Using __declspec(dllexport)