为什么在 akka-stream 的单元测试期间会出现此超时?

Why am I getting this timeout during unit test of akka-stream?

我有一个 akka-gRPC 服务双向流,我正在单元测试中测试它。该服务使用 akka-stream,我使用 TestSink.probe 来测试回复消息。我正在从服务接收回消息,但存在与超时相关的错误,我无法弄清楚是什么原因。这是测试:

object GreeterServiceConf {
  // important to enable HTTP/2 in server ActorSystem's config
  val configServer = ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.http.server.preview.enable-http2 = on")

  val configString2 =
      |akka.grpc.client {
      |  "helloworld.GreeterService" {
      |    host =
      |    port = 8080
      |  }
  val configClient = ConfigFactory.parseString(configString2)

class GreeterServiceImplSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("GreeterServiceImplSpec", ConfigFactory.load(GreeterServiceConf.configServer)))
  with AnyWordSpecLike
  with BeforeAndAfterAll
  with Matchers
  with ScalaFutures {

  implicit val patience: PatienceConfig = PatienceConfig(scaled(5.seconds), scaled(100.millis))

  // val testKit = ActorTestKit(conf)
  val serverSystem: ActorSystem = system
  val bound = new GreeterServer(serverSystem).run()

  // make sure server is bound before using client

  implicit val clientSystem: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("GreeterClient", ConfigFactory.load(GreeterServiceConf.configClient))

  val client = GreeterServiceClient(

  override def afterAll: Unit = {

  "GreeterService" should {
    "reply to multiple requests" in {
      import GreeterServiceData._

      val names = List("John", "Michael", "Simone")
      val expectedReply: immutable.Seq[HelloReply] = names.map { name =>
        HelloReply(s"Hello, $name -> ${mapHelloReply.getOrElse(name, "this person does not exist =(")}")

      val requestStream: Source[HelloRequest, NotUsed] = Source(names).map(name => HelloRequest(name))
      val responseStream: Source[HelloReply, NotUsed] = client.sayHelloToAll(requestStream)
      val sink = TestSink.probe[HelloReply]
      val replyStream = responseStream.runWith(sink)
        .requestNext(HelloReply(s"Hello, John -> I killed Java"))
        .requestNext(HelloReply(s"Hello, Michael -> We are the Jacksons 5"))
        .requestNext(HelloReply(s"Hello, Simone -> I have found a job to work with Scala =)")) // THIS IS THE LINE 122 ON THE ERROR
        // .request(3)
        // .expectNextUnorderedN(expectedReply) // I also tested this but it did not work


assertion failed: timeout (3 seconds) during expectMsg while waiting for OnComplete java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: timeout (3 seconds) during expectMsg while waiting for OnComplete at scala.Predef$.assert(Predef.scala:223) at akka.testkit.TestKitBase.expectMsg_internal(TestKit.scala:459) at akka.testkit.TestKitBase.expectMsg(TestKit.scala:436) at akka.testkit.TestKitBase.expectMsg$(TestKit.scala:436) at akka.testkit.TestKit.expectMsg(TestKit.scala:969) at akka.stream.testkit.TestSubscriber$ManualProbe.expectComplete(StreamTestKit.scala:479) at com.example.helloworld.GreeterServiceImplSpec.$anonfun$new(GreeterServiceImplSpec.scala:121)

我根据项目akka-grpc-quickstart-scala.g8让它工作。我正在执行 runForeach 到 运行 图表,并在响应流上有一个具体化的 Sink。然后,当响应完成后,我在 Future[Done].

中执行 assert
    "reply to multiple requests" in {
      import GreeterServiceData._
      import system.dispatcher

      val names = List("John", "Martin", "Michael", "UnknownPerson")
      val expectedReplySeq: immutable.Seq[HelloReply] = names.map { name =>
        HelloReply(s"Hello, $name -> ${mapHelloReply.getOrElse(name, "this person does not exist =(")}")
      // println(s"expectedReplySeq: ${expectedReplySeq.foreach(println)}")

      val requestStream: Source[HelloRequest, NotUsed] = Source(names).map(name => HelloRequest(name))
      val responseStream: Source[HelloReply, NotUsed] = client.sayHelloToAll(requestStream)

      val done: Future[Done] = responseStream.runForeach { reply: HelloReply =>
        // println(s"got streaming reply: ${reply.message}")
      // OR USING Sink.foreach[HelloReply])(Keep.right)
      val sinkHelloReply = Sink.foreach[HelloReply] { e =>
        println(s"element: $e")
      responseStream.toMat(sinkHelloReply)(Keep.right).run().onComplete {
        case Success(value) => println(s"done")
        case Failure(exception) => println(s"exception $exception")

为了保持整个代码的引用,GreeterServiceImplSpec class is here.