为什么我不能使用 MomentJS 将年份添加到我的 Angular 应用程序中?

Why I can't add years to a date using MomentJS into my Angular application?

我正在开发一个 Angular 应用程序,试图使用 momentJS 为日期添加特定的年数,但它似乎不起作用。


changeGuaranteeEndDate(guaranteeDuration) {
    console.log("changeGuaranteeEndDate() START");
    console.log("GUARANTEE START DATE: " + this.newAssetForm.value.guarantee_start_date);
    console.log("GUARANTEE DURATION: " + this.newAssetForm.value.guarantee_duration);
    console.log("EVENT VAL: " + guaranteeDuration);

    this.newAssetForm.value.guarantee_duration = guaranteeDuration;
    console.log("GUARANTEE DURATION: " + this.newAssetForm.value.guarantee_duration);

    let myMoment: moment.Moment = moment(this.newAssetForm.value.guarantee_start_date);
    console.log("myMoment: ", myMoment);

    let myMoment2 = myMoment;
    myMoment2.add(3, 'y')

    console.log("myMoment2: ", myMoment2);

所以基本上我正在创建 myMoment 对象,从 this.newAssetForm.value.guarantee_start_date.


然后我尝试创建一个新的 myMoment2 对象,从 myMoment 开始,我将向该对象添加 3 年。最后我打印出来

问题是在 Chrome 控制台中我得到以下输出:

Moment {_isAMomentObject: true, _i: Fri Jan 29 2021 13:04:29 GMT+0100 (Ora standard dell’Europa centrale), _isUTC: false, _pf: {…}, _locale: Locale, …}
_d: Mon Jan 29 2024 13:04:29 GMT+0100 (Ora standard dell’Europa centrale) {}
_i: Fri Jan 29 2021 13:04:29 GMT+0100 (Ora standard dell’Europa centrale) {}
_isAMomentObject: true
_isUTC: false
_isValid: true
_locale: Locale {_calendar: {…}, _longDateFormat: {…}, _invalidDate: "Invalid date", _dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)/, ordinal: ƒ, …}
_pf: {empty: false, unusedTokens: Array(0), unusedInput: Array(0), overflow: -2, charsLeftOver: 0, …}
__proto__: Object

Moment {_isAMomentObject: true, _i: Fri Jan 29 2021 13:04:29 GMT+0100 (Ora standard dell’Europa centrale), _isUTC: false, _pf: {…}, _locale: Locale, …}
_d: Mon Jan 29 2024 13:04:29 GMT+0100 (Ora standard dell’Europa centrale) {}
_i: Fri Jan 29 2021 13:04:29 GMT+0100 (Ora standard dell’Europa centrale) {}
_isAMomentObject: true
_isUTC: false
_isValid: true
_locale: Locale {_calendar: {…}, _longDateFormat: {…}, _invalidDate: "Invalid date", _dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)/, ordinal: ƒ, …}
_pf: {empty: false, unusedTokens: Array(0), unusedInput: Array(0), overflow: -2, charsLeftOver: 0, …}
__proto__: Object

问题在于,正如您在之前的输出中所见,年份似乎并未添加到原始myMoment 对象中。

我的代码有什么问题?我错过了什么?我怎样才能正确地将年添加到我原来的 myMoment 对象?

好的,你需要format()来显示moment对象的值。基本上问题是你传递给它的初始值。在 中阅读更多相关信息。所以你最后的控制台日志应该是这样的:

console.log("myMoment2: ", myMoment2.format());

它对我有用....你可以点击下面的 Run code Snippet 来测试它。

您可以尝试使用与我的示例相同的加载库:src moment.min.js

function changeGuaranteeEndDate(guaranteeDuration) {
    console.log("changeGuaranteeEndDate() START");
    console.log("GUARANTEE START DATE: " + this.newAssetForm.value.guarantee_start_date);
    console.log("GUARANTEE DURATION: " + this.newAssetForm.value.guarantee_duration);
    console.log("EVENT VAL: " + guaranteeDuration);

    this.newAssetForm.value.guarantee_duration = guaranteeDuration;
    console.log("GUARANTEE DURATION: " + this.newAssetForm.value.guarantee_duration);

    let myMoment = moment(this.newAssetForm.value.guarantee_start_date);

    console.log("myMoment: ", myMoment);

    let myMoment2 = myMoment;
    myMoment2.add(3, 'y')

    console.log("myMoment2: ", myMoment2);

// This is just for Testing the function... and mocking object
      guarantee_start_date:new Date(),
<script       src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.29.1/moment.min.js"></script>