Execvp linux:试图让我的 shell 在 C 中工作

Execvp linux: trying to make my shell work in C


typedef  struct cmd_struct{
  char cmd[80];
  char args[10][80];
  int nargs;
} cmd_type;

cmd 中,我将在 args.


然后我从文件中读取不同的命令,并将它们保存到 cmd_type 的数组中。我的程序还是假的shell,要求一个数字,应该从这个数组中取出它。


void execCmd(cmd_type* cmds_arg, int idxCmd){
  pid_t pid;
    printf("Father: my pid is %d\n", getpid());
    char* buff;
    pid = fork();
    if (pid == 0) {  
        printf("Child process: My pid is %d\n", getpid());
           printf("-------------- Child doing exec: %s\n", cmds_arg[idxCmd].cmd);
    printf("Father: Gonna wait for Child\n");

    int status;
    printf("-------------- Father: Child finished\n");

    // WIFEXITED, WEXITSTATUS Macro of the gnu lib POSIX standard to recover end status
    if ( WIFEXITED(status) ) {   
        const int es = WEXITSTATUS(status);
        printf("Father: Child Complete with exit status %d\n", es);
        if(es == 1) printf("Father: Child didn't execute any command\n");
        else if(es == 2) printf("Father: Child command was not found\n");

如您所见,当我调用 execvp() 系统调用时,我做错了。第一个论点我认为是对的,第二个论点完全错了。

首先,我有一个转换问题,第二个问题是数组应该包含“main command”、“arg1”、“arg2”……而我的只有参数。我错了吗?


使用 char args[10][80];execvp(cmds_arg[idxCmd].cmd,&cmds_arg[idxCmd].args); 将不起作用(甚至无法编译),因为 execvp 需要一个 const char* 指针每个参数,你的 .args 没有任何指针。


const char *p[11];  /* Contains up to 10 pointers + trailing NULL. */
cmd_type *this_cmd = &cmds_arg[idxCmd];
for (int i = 0; i < this_cmd->nargs; ++i) {
  p[i] = &this_cmd->args[i];
p[this_cmd->nargs] = NULL;
execvp(this_cmd->cmd, p);

本着@pts 的回答精神,您可以在动态分配的 table:

中复制 execvp() 的参数
void execCmd(cmd_type* cmds_arg, int idxCmd){
  pid_t pid;
  printf("Father: my pid is %d\n", getpid());
  char* buff;
  pid = fork();
  if (pid == 0) {

    int i;
    char **args = (char **)malloc((1 + cmds_arg[idxCmd].nargs + 1) * sizeof(char *));

    args[0] = cmds_arg[idxCmd].cmd;
    for (i = 1; i < (cmds_arg[idxCmd].nargs + 1); i ++) {
      args[i] = cmds_arg[idxCmd].args[i - 1];
    args[i] = NULL;

    printf("Child process: My pid is %d\n", getpid());
    printf("-------------- Child doing exec: %s\n", cmds_arg[idxCmd].cmd);
    execvp(cmds_arg[idxCmd].cmd, args);
  printf("Father: Gonna wait for Child\n");

  int status;
  printf("-------------- Father: Child finished\n");

  // WIFEXITED, WEXITSTATUS Macro of the gnu lib POSIX standard to recover end status
  if ( WIFEXITED(status) ) {   
    const int es = WEXITSTATUS(status);
    printf("Father: Child Complete with exit status %d\n", es);
    if(es == 1) printf("Father: Child didn't execute any command\n");
    else if(es == 2) printf("Father: Child command was not found\n");