如何查看正在计算的 pine 编辑器的值

How to see what value is being calculated pine Editor

我有以下脚本运行打算在交易开始 4 天后关闭交易。

TimeDiff = time - time[1]
MinutesPerBar = TimeDiff / 60000  
//calcuates how long one bar is in minutes

BarsSinceSwingLongCondition = barssince(SwingLongCondition)  
// Calculates how many bars have passed since open of trade
CurrentSwingTradeDuration = BarsSinceSwingLongCondition * MinutesPerBar 
//calculates the duration that the trade has been opened for (minutes*number of bars) 
MaximumSwingTradeDuration = 4*1440 
// Sets maximum trade duration.  Set at 4 Days in minutes

SwingLongCloseLogic3 = CurrentSwingTradeDuration > MaximumSwingTradeDuration 
// Closes trade when trade duration exceeds maximum duration set (4days)

但是当我 运行 策略时关闭逻辑没有执行,因为我的交易开放时间超过最大持续时间。


最快的方法是使用 plotchar function, which would show the values in the data-window on mouse-over on each bar. The user manual contains several other techniques available for debugging