
Why in the concrete decorator's constructor I have to repeat code of the superclass constructor?

正在尝试实现装饰器模式 - 为了简单起见,在这个例子中我们只有 1 个名为 ConcreteDecorator1 的具体装饰器,我让它工作,这个例子是功能性的。但是我的问题是关于 OOP 的,更具体地说,我不明白为什么我在 ConcreteDecorator1 的这一行上得到一个“组件为空”的异常:myField = this.myField + component.Operation(); 在相同的构造函数中添加 this.component = component 之前class? 我的意思是 this.component = component 发生在超级 class(装饰器)的 c-tor 中,那为什么还不够?

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

        var cc = new ConcreteComponent();

        var cd1 = new ConcreteDecorator1(cc);

        var cd2 = new ConcreteDecorator1(cd1);


abstract class Component

    public int myField;
    public virtual int Operation()
        return myField;

class ConcreteComponent : Component
    public override int Operation()
        myField = 22;
        return myField;

class Decorator : Component
    private Component component;
    public Decorator(Component component)
        this.component = component;

class ConcreteDecorator1 : Decorator
    private Component component;
    public ConcreteDecorator1(Component component) : base(component)
        this.component = component; // WHY IS THIS LINE NECESSARY HERE? Don't we have it in the constructor of the base class, Decorator?
    public override int Operation()
        myField = 100;
        myField = this.myField + component.Operation(); // error on this line: component was null ...  UNLESS WE ADD this.component = component; in the c-tor WHy was this necessary? Doesn't the super class c-tor take care of it?
        return myField;

所以底线:为什么在具体装饰器的构造函数中我必须重复 superclass 构造函数的代码?我以为我可以这样保留它:

public ConcreteDecorator1(Component component) : base(component)


稍后编辑 - 另一个工作变体(变体 2):

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            var cc = new ConcreteComponent();

            var cd1 = new ConcreteDecorator1(cc);

            var cd2 = new ConcreteDecorator1(cd1);


    abstract class Component

        public int myField;
        public virtual int Operation()
            return myField;

    class ConcreteComponent : Component
        public override int Operation()
            myField = 22;
            return myField;

    class Decorator : Component
        public Component Component { get; set; }

    class ConcreteDecorator1 : Decorator
        public ConcreteDecorator1(Component component) 
            this.Component = component; 
        public override int Operation()
            myField = 100;
            myField = this.myField + this.Component.Operation(); 
            return myField;

仍然不太好,因为我宁愿在装饰器中定义操作,而在具体装饰器中我只设置 myField 值...

变体 3(稍后更新,也有效):

abstract class Component
    protected int myField;
    public virtual int Operation()
        return this.myField;

class ConcreteComponent : Component
    public ConcreteComponent(int myField)
        this.myField = myField;

class Decorator : Component
    protected Component component;
    public Decorator(Component component)
        this.component = component;

    public override int Operation()
        this.myField = this.myField + component.Operation();
        return myField;

class ConcreteDecorator1 : Decorator
    public ConcreteDecorator1(Component component) : base(component)
        this.myField = 100;


class ConcreteDecorator2 : Decorator
    public ConcreteDecorator2(Component component) : base(component)
        this.myField = 1000;


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

        var cc = new ConcreteComponent(22);

        //var cd1 = new ConcreteDecorator(cc, 100);

        var cd2 = new ConcreteDecorator1(cc);

        var cd3 = new ConcreteDecorator2(cd2);


您不必重新定义通用对象private Component component;。修改component的double定义如下

class Decorator : Component
   public Component component;
   public Decorator(Component component)
      this.component = component;

class ConcreteDecorator1 : Decorator
   public ConcreteDecorator1(Component component) : base(component)
   public override int Operation()
      myField = 100;
      myField = this.myField + component.Operation(); // error on this line: component was null ...  UNLESS WE ADD this.component = component; in the c-tor WHy was this necessary? Doesn't the super class c-tor take care of it?
      return myField;

使用此代码,您只需设置父 class 的组件,而不是此 class 的组件。而这段代码执行时myField = this.myField + component.Operation ();程序报空错误

public ConcreteDecorator1(Component component) : base(component)
    //This is wrong because the component is never set      

假设您有两个名为 x 的变量。您可以在函数中全局定义一个,并在本地定义另一个。访问全局变量时必须使用此关键字。


    static void Main(string[] args)
        math m = new math();
    class math
        private int x = 100;
        public int pp(out int disX)
            int x = 200;
            disX = this.x;
            return x;

        public void cc()
            int x = 50;
            Console.WriteLine(x);      //answer: 50
            Console.WriteLine(this.x); //answer: 100

        public void dd()
            int t;
            Console.WriteLine(pp(out t));    // answer: 200
            Console.WriteLine(t);            //answer: 100