在 C# 记录中缓存昂贵的重新计算属性或字段

Caching expensive-to-recompute properties or fields in C# records

我有一个如下所示的 C# 记录,其中 属性 的计算成本很高:

sealed record MyAwesomeRecord(Dictionary<int, int> SomeDictionary)
    public int ExpensiveToComputeProperty => SomeDictionary.Sum(e => e.Value);


var original = new MyAwesomeRecord( new() { [0] = 0 });
var modified = original with { SomeDictionary = new() { [1] = 1 } };

我不想在每次访问时都重新计算 ExpensiveToComputeProperty 值,我只想在“构造”之后计算一次。但显然对于 C# 记录,构造函数在用 with 修改后不会再次调用。我尝试了以下方法来解决这个问题:


您可以使用自定义 setter,而不是为 属性 使用默认 setter。在此setter中,您可以进行昂贵的计算。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    sealed record MyAwesomeRecord
        public MyAwesomeRecord(Dictionary<int, int> SomeDictionary)
            this.SomeDictionary = SomeDictionary;

        public int ExpensiveToComputeProperty { get; private set; }

        private Dictionary<int, int>? _SomeDictionary;
        public Dictionary<int, int> SomeDictionary
            get => _SomeDictionary!;
                _SomeDictionary = value;
                ExpensiveToComputeProperty = SomeDictionary.Sum(e => e.Value);


    class Program
        static void Main()
            var original = new MyAwesomeRecord(new() { [0] = 0 });

            Console.WriteLine($"ExpensiveToComputeProperty = {original.ExpensiveToComputeProperty}");

            var modified = original with { SomeDictionary = new() { [1] = 1 } };

            Console.WriteLine($"ExpensiveToComputeProperty = {modified.ExpensiveToComputeProperty}");