ToUnicodeEx 函数失败,键盘布局与我的不同
ToUnicodeEx function fails with any keyboard layout different than mine
我正在使用 ToUnicodeEx
函数将按下的键的虚拟键码转换为其 unicode 字符,
<DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, ExactSpelling:=True, CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.Winapi)>
Friend Shared Function ToUnicodeEx(
ByVal wVirtKey As UInteger,
ByVal wScanCode As UInteger,
ByVal lpKeyState As Byte(),
<Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)>
ByVal pwszBuff As StringBuilder,
ByVal cchBuff As Integer,
ByVal wFlags As UInteger,
ByVal dwhkl As IntPtr
) As Integer
End Function
该功能非常适合我的文化 es-ES 和我的键盘布局 3082,但是,如果指定 3082 我尝试使用下面的代码指定 1033 键盘布局来模拟 en-US 文化或其他文化的按键不同于 3082 的任何其他键盘布局,则 ToUnicodeEx
函数将失败并且 returns 0,其中 return 值为 0 意味着:
The specified virtual key has no translation for the current state of
the keyboard. Nothing was written to the buffer specified by
Dim buf As New StringBuilder(256)
Dim keyboardState As Byte() = New Byte(255) {}
If shift Then
keyboardState(CInt(Keys.ShiftKey)) = &HFF
End If
If altGr Then
keyboardState(CInt(Keys.ControlKey)) = &HFF
keyboardState(CInt(Keys.Menu)) = &HFF
End If
InputDevice.NativeMethods.ToUnicodeEx(CUInt(Keys.A), 0UI, keyboardState, buf, 256, 0UI,
New IntPtr(1033))
您不能简单地传递一个数字 (IntPtr
) 作为最后一个参数...如 MSDN
dwhkl [in, optional]
Type: HKL
The input locale identifier used to translate the specified code. This parameter can be any input locale identifier previously returned by the LoadKeyboardLayout function.
您必须首先使用 LoadKeyboardLayout
通过试验、研究和一些失败,我在 .Net 框架 class 库中找到了不涉及 P/Invoking.
只知道一个文化名称,例如 en-US 或 es-ES 与 Systwm.Windows.Forms.InputLanguage
InputLanguage.FromCulture(New CultureInfo("en-US")).Handle
然后,可以为 ToUnicodeEx
函数的 dwHKL
我正在使用 ToUnicodeEx
函数将按下的键的虚拟键码转换为其 unicode 字符,
<DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, ExactSpelling:=True, CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.Winapi)>
Friend Shared Function ToUnicodeEx(
ByVal wVirtKey As UInteger,
ByVal wScanCode As UInteger,
ByVal lpKeyState As Byte(),
<Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)>
ByVal pwszBuff As StringBuilder,
ByVal cchBuff As Integer,
ByVal wFlags As UInteger,
ByVal dwhkl As IntPtr
) As Integer
End Function
该功能非常适合我的文化 es-ES 和我的键盘布局 3082,但是,如果指定 3082 我尝试使用下面的代码指定 1033 键盘布局来模拟 en-US 文化或其他文化的按键不同于 3082 的任何其他键盘布局,则 ToUnicodeEx
函数将失败并且 returns 0,其中 return 值为 0 意味着:
The specified virtual key has no translation for the current state of the keyboard. Nothing was written to the buffer specified by pwszBuff.
Dim buf As New StringBuilder(256)
Dim keyboardState As Byte() = New Byte(255) {}
If shift Then
keyboardState(CInt(Keys.ShiftKey)) = &HFF
End If
If altGr Then
keyboardState(CInt(Keys.ControlKey)) = &HFF
keyboardState(CInt(Keys.Menu)) = &HFF
End If
InputDevice.NativeMethods.ToUnicodeEx(CUInt(Keys.A), 0UI, keyboardState, buf, 256, 0UI,
New IntPtr(1033))
您不能简单地传递一个数字 (IntPtr
) 作为最后一个参数...如 MSDN
dwhkl [in, optional] Type: HKL The input locale identifier used to translate the specified code. This parameter can be any input locale identifier previously returned by the LoadKeyboardLayout function.
您必须首先使用 LoadKeyboardLayout
通过试验、研究和一些失败,我在 .Net 框架 class 库中找到了不涉及 P/Invoking.
的最佳和更简单的解决方案只知道一个文化名称,例如 en-US 或 es-ES 与 Systwm.Windows.Forms.InputLanguage
InputLanguage.FromCulture(New CultureInfo("en-US")).Handle
然后,可以为 ToUnicodeEx
函数的 dwHKL