Opentext 内容服务器无法 create/connect 到数据库

Opentext content server unable to create/connect to database

我正在安装 opentext 16.2.8 的新副本,当我尝试创建新数据库时,它一直失败并出现以下错误。我安装了 SQL Server 2016 standard

Error: Could not connect. ----> Error stack ----> 1) E675217410:ODBC reported error.:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]Invalid connection. ----> 2) E675217410:ODBC reported error.:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]Invalid connection. [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnectionOpen (ParseConnectParams()). ----> 3) E675086340:Could not connect.


01/28/2021 17:42:18 INFO  [66024053273]  0000000168: ****** CAPIAllocConnect called ...
01/28/2021 17:42:18 INFO  [66024053380]  0000000169: KConnect::Connect(...) .. open the connection.
01/28/2021 17:42:18 INFO  [66024053671]  0000000170: KSqlODBC::SubclassConnect BCPEnabled() = TRUE
01/28/2021 17:42:36 INFO  [66042485428]  0000000171: KSqlODBC::SubclassConnect() DSN (connection string): DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=DESKTOP-8G0H7M6;UID=sa;DATABASE=master;
01/28/2021 17:42:36 ERROR [66042485572]  0000000172: ODBC diagnostic error: 1 ODBC error code: 0 ODBC state: HYT00 ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Login timeout expired
01/28/2021 17:42:36 ERROR [66042485650]  0000000173: KSql::Connect('DESKTOP-8G0H7M6','master','sa','*','','API100') --> 'Could not connect.',[sec: 18 msec: 431]
01/28/2021 17:42:36 INFO  [66042485692]  0000000174: KSql::Connect .. ConnectionType = ODBC
01/28/2021 17:42:36 INFO  [66042485720]  0000000175: KSql::Connect .. DatabaseType =   DB_UNKNOWN
01/28/2021 17:42:36 INFO  [66042485760]  0000000176: KSql::Connect .. MaxLength =      32767
01/28/2021 17:42:36 INFO  [66042485784]  0000000177: KSql::Connect .. MaxLongLength =  32767
01/28/2021 17:42:36 INFO  [66042485820]  0000000178: KSql::Connect .. SubQueryBlobs =  TRUE
01/28/2021 17:42:36 ERROR [66042485856]  0000000179: KConnect::Connect(...) --> 'Could not connect.'

安装 latest ODBC drivers 解决了这个问题。正如 AlwaysLearning
