如何在 nodejs 中从远程 url 创建可读流?

how to create a readable stream from a remote url in nodejs?

在 nodejs 文档中,流部分说我可以 fs.createReadStream(url || path)。 但是,当我真正这样做时,它告诉我 Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory。 我只想将视频从可读流传输到可写流,但我坚持创建可读流。


const express = require('express')
const fs = require('fs')
const url = 'https://www.example.com/path/to/mp4Video.mp4'
const port = 3000

app.get('/video', (req, res) => {
    const readable = fs.createReadStream(url)
app.listen(port, () => {
    console.log('listening on port ' + port)


listening on port 3000
      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'https://www.example.com/path/to/mp4Video.mp4'
Emitted 'error' event on ReadStream instance at:
    at internal/fs/streams.js:136:12
    at FSReqCallback.oncomplete (fs.js:156:23) {
  errno: -2,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  syscall: 'open',
  path: 'https://www.example.com/path/to/mp4Video.mp4'

PS: https://www.example.com/path/to/mp4Video.mp4 IS NOT THE ACTUAL URL

fs.createReadStream() 不适用于 http URLs only file:// URLs 或文件名路径。不幸的是,fs 文档中没有对此进行描述,但是如果您查看 fs.createReadStream()source code 并按照它的调用进行操作,您会发现它最终会调用 fileURULtoPath(url) 如果它不是 file: URL.

function fileURLToPath(path) {
  if (typeof path === 'string')
    path = new URL(path);
  else if (!isURLInstance(path))
    throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('path', ['string', 'URL'], path);
  if (path.protocol !== 'file:')
    throw new ERR_INVALID_URL_SCHEME('file');
  return isWindows ? getPathFromURLWin32(path) : getPathFromURLPosix(path);

建议使用 got() 库从 URL:

const got = require('got');
const mp4Url = 'https://www.example.com/path/to/mp4Video.mp4';

app.get('/video', (req, res) => {

本文中描述的更多示例:How to stream file downloads in Nodejs with Got

您也可以使用普通的 http/https 模块来获取读取流,但我发现 got() 通常在更高级别上对很多 http 请求有用,所以这就是我使用的。但是,这是带有 https 模块的代码。

const https = require('https');
const mp4Url = 'https://www.example.com/path/to/mp4Video.mp4';

app.get("/", (req, res) => {
    https.get(mp4Url, (stream) => {
