R Shiny,- 将多个用户输入传递到服务器中的单个数据框中

R Shiny, - Passing Multiple User Inputs into a single dataframe in server

我必须承认我对 R-Shiny 比较陌生,如果这是一个非常基本的问题,我深表歉意。

我正在尝试创建一个 R-Shiny 应用程序,该应用程序接收与资产 class' 预期年度 return、最大重量和最小重量相关的用户输入。理想情况下,我希望最终得到一个类似于下面的服务器数据框,预期的 returns 和权重可配置:

Asset Class Expected_Return Max_Weight Min_Weight
Equity 0.08 1.00 0.25
Bonds 0.02 0.75 0.10
Gold 0.03 0.20 0.00
Property 0.05 0.30 0.00
Cash 0.01 0.10 0.00



ui <- fluidPage(
       column(width = 1, align="center",
              checkboxInput("equity_include", "Equity", value = TRUE, width = '100%')
       column(width = 5, align="center",
              numericInput("equity_er", "Global Expected Annual Return (%)", value = 0)
       column(width = 3, align="center",
              numericInput("equity_maxw", "Max Weight %", value = 100, min = 0, max = 100)
       column(width = 3, align="center",
              numericInput("equity_minw", "Min Weight %", value = 0, min = 0, max = 100)
       column(width = 1, align="center",
              checkboxInput("bonds_include", "Bonds", value = TRUE, width = '100%')
       column(width = 5, align="center",
              numericInput("bonds_er", "Bonds Expected Annual Return (%)", value = 0)
       column(width = 3, align="center",
              numericInput("bonds_maxw", "Max Weight %", value = 100, min = 0, max = 100)
       column(width = 3, align="center",
              numericInput("bonds_minw", "Min Weight %", value = 0, min = 0, max = 100)
       column(width = 1, align="center",
              checkboxInput("gold_include", "Gold", value = TRUE, width = '100%')
       column(width = 5, align="center",
              numericInput("gold_er", "Gold Expected Annual Return (%)", value = 0)
       column(width = 3, align="center",
              numericInput("gold_maxw", "Max Weight %", value = 100, min = 0, max = 100)
       column(width = 3, align="center",
              numericInput("gold_minw", "Min Weight %", value = 0, min = 0, max = 100)
       column(width = 1, align="center",
              checkboxInput("property_include", "Property", value = TRUE, width = '100%')
       column(width = 5, align="center",
              numericInput("property_er", "Property Expected Annual Return(%)", value = 0)
       column(width = 3, align="center",
              numericInput("property_maxw", "Max Weight %", value = 100, min = 0, max = 100)
       column(width = 3, align="center",
              numericInput("property_minw", "Min Weight %", value = 0, min = 0, max = 100)
       column(width = 1, align="center",
              checkboxInput("cash_include", "Cash", value = TRUE, width = '100%')
       column(width = 5, align="center",
              numericInput("cash_er", "Cash Expected Annual Return(%)", value = 0)
       column(width = 3, align="center",
              numericInput("cash_maxw", "Max Weight %", value = 100, min = 0, max = 100)
       column(width = 3, align="center",
              numericInput("cash_minw", "Min Weight %", value = 0, min = 0, max = 100)


server <- function(input, output) {
    library(plotly) # To create interactive charts
    library(timetk) # To manipulate the data series
    #Create Dataframe of User Inputs
    assets <- c("Equity", "Bonds", "Gold", "Property", "Cash")
    include <- c(input$equity_include, input$bonds_include, input$gold_include, input$property_include, input$cash_include)
    expected_return <- c(input$equity_er, input$bonds_er, input$gold_er, input$property_er, input$cash_er)
    max_weight <- c(input$equity_maxw, input$bonds_maxw, input$gold_maxw, input$property_maxw, input$cash_maxw)
    min_weight <- c(input$equity_minw, input$bonds_minw, input$gold_minw, input$property_minw, input$cash_minw)
    user_inputs <- data.frame(assets, include, expected_return, max_weight, min_weight)

不幸的是,我遇到了多个反应性错误,我无法使用典型的 reactive() 函数解决这些错误。



我知道答案通常应该可以解决您的具体问题,但我懒得输入所有这些默认值,您可以使用可编辑的数据框来做到这一点,我喜欢为此使用 DT 包



dt_output = function(title, id) {
    12, h1(paste0('Table ', sub('.*?([0-9]+)$', '\1', id), ': ', title)),
    hr(), DTOutput(id)
render_dt = function(data, editable = 'cell', server = TRUE, ...) {
  renderDT(data, selection = 'none', server = server, editable = editable, ...)

  ui = fluidPage(
    title = 'Double-click to edit table rows',
    dt_output('server-side processing (editable = "row")', 'x6'),
  server = function(input, output, session) {
    d6 = iris
    d6$Date = Sys.time() + seq_len(nrow(d6))
    options(DT.options = list(pageLength = 5))
    # server-side processing
    output$x6 = render_dt(d6, 'row')
    # edit a row
    observeEvent(input$x6_cell_edit, {
      d6 <<- editData(d6, input$x6_cell_edit, 'x6')

如果您想保留旧方法,用 reactive() 包围向量,然后通过调用函数之类的名称来使用


ui <- fluidPage(
    column(width = 1, align="center",
           checkboxInput("equity_include", "Equity", value = TRUE, width = '100%')
    column(width = 5, align="center",
           numericInput("equity_er", "Global Expected Annual Return (%)", value = 0)
    column(width = 3, align="center",
           numericInput("equity_maxw", "Max Weight %", value = 100, min = 0, max = 100)
    column(width = 3, align="center",
           numericInput("equity_minw", "Min Weight %", value = 0, min = 0, max = 100)
    column(width = 1, align="center",
           checkboxInput("bonds_include", "Bonds", value = TRUE, width = '100%')
    column(width = 5, align="center",
           numericInput("bonds_er", "Bonds Expected Annual Return (%)", value = 0)
    column(width = 3, align="center",
           numericInput("bonds_maxw", "Max Weight %", value = 100, min = 0, max = 100)
    column(width = 3, align="center",
           numericInput("bonds_minw", "Min Weight %", value = 0, min = 0, max = 100)
    column(width = 1, align="center",
           checkboxInput("gold_include", "Gold", value = TRUE, width = '100%')
    column(width = 5, align="center",
           numericInput("gold_er", "Gold Expected Annual Return (%)", value = 0)
    column(width = 3, align="center",
           numericInput("gold_maxw", "Max Weight %", value = 100, min = 0, max = 100)
    column(width = 3, align="center",
           numericInput("gold_minw", "Min Weight %", value = 0, min = 0, max = 100)
    column(width = 1, align="center",
           checkboxInput("property_include", "Property", value = TRUE, width = '100%')
    column(width = 5, align="center",
           numericInput("property_er", "Property Expected Annual Return(%)", value = 0)
    column(width = 3, align="center",
           numericInput("property_maxw", "Max Weight %", value = 100, min = 0, max = 100)
    column(width = 3, align="center",
           numericInput("property_minw", "Min Weight %", value = 0, min = 0, max = 100)
    column(width = 1, align="center",
           checkboxInput("cash_include", "Cash", value = TRUE, width = '100%')
    column(width = 5, align="center",
           numericInput("cash_er", "Cash Expected Annual Return(%)", value = 0)
    column(width = 3, align="center",
           numericInput("cash_maxw", "Max Weight %", value = 100, min = 0, max = 100)
    column(width = 3, align="center",
           numericInput("cash_minw", "Min Weight %", value = 0, min = 0, max = 100)

server <- function(input, output) {
  library(plotly) # To create interactive charts
  library(timetk) # To manipulate the data series
  #Create Dataframe of User Inputs
  assets <- c("Equity", "Bonds", "Gold", "Property", "Cash")
  include <- reactive(c(input$equity_include, input$bonds_include, input$gold_include, input$property_include,input$cash_include))
  expected_return <- reactive(c(input$equity_er, input$bonds_er, input$gold_er, input$property_er, input$cash_er))
  max_weight <- reactive(c(input$equity_maxw, input$bonds_maxw, input$gold_maxw, input$property_maxw, input$cash_maxw))
  min_weight <- reactive(c(input$equity_minw, input$bonds_minw, input$gold_minw, input$property_minw, input$cash_minw))
  #user_inputs <- data.frame(assets, include(), expected_return(), max_weight(), min_weight())
  output$data_example <- renderDataTable(data.frame(assets,include(),expected_return(),max_weight(),min_weight()))
