在 CentOS 上重新加载 php

Reload php on CentOS

我在 CentOS 上有一个网络服务器 运行 nginx。 我更改了我的 php.ini 文件以增加一些限制,但是当我尝试重新启动 php 时,我收到错误消息:

[root@server ~]# php -v
PHP 5.6.3 (cli) (built: Nov 23 2014 15:09:34)
Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.6.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies
with the ionCube PHP Loader v4.7.1, Copyright (c) 2002-2014, by ionCube Ltd.

[root@server ~]# systemctl restart php-fpm56.service‏
Failed to issue method call: Unit php-fpm56.service\xe2\x80\x8f.service failed to load: No such file or directory.

[root@server ~]# systemctl restart php56.service
Failed to issue method call: Unit php56.service failed to load: No such file or directory.

[root@server ~]# service nginx reload
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl reload  nginx.service

[root@server ~]# service nginx restart
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart  nginx.service

[root@server ~]# systemctl restart php-fpm.service
Failed to issue method call: Unit php-fpm.service failed to load: No such file or directory.

[root@server ~]# systemctl restart php.service
Failed to issue method call: Unit php.service failed to load: No such file or directory.

[root@server ~]# systemctl restart php56.service
Failed to issue method call: Unit php56.service failed to load: No such file or directory.

知道如何重新启动 PHP 吗?提前致谢

好吧,虽然老办法是解决方案:service php-fpm56 restart(实际上它起作用了,因为我在 SSH 终端中输入了它)

我想知道 \xe2\x80\x8f 是什么。当我从 skype 复制/粘贴到 ssh 终端时,似乎添加了一些额外的字符。

所以 systemctl restart php-fpm56.service‏ 如果我从 Skype 输入它而不是 copy/paste 它会有效...
