是的验证,一个字符串上有 2 个正则表达式
Yup validation, 2 regex on one string
我有这个架构可以根据几个要求验证 2 个密码字段:
- “密码必须包含 8 个或更多字符,至少一个大写字母和一个数字。”
- "密码不能包含 _ @ . - 以外的特殊字符"
现在我在一个字符串中显示两个验证错误,但我需要为这些条件显示 2 个单独的错误。
问题是,我如何创建 2 个正则表达式,它们在验证时不会相互冲突,并且会向我显示必要的错误?
const format = /[a-z`!#$%^&*()+=\[\]{};':"\|,<>\/?~]/;
const passwordFormat = /^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)[a-zA-Z\d_@.-]{8,}$/;
return yup.object().shape({
password: yup
.required("Password is required")
// validates the password
.matches(passwordFormat, "Password must have 8 or more characters, at least one uppercase letter, and one number.")
//checks if there are special characters
.test('special-chars', "Password cannot contain special characters other than _ @ . -", function(value) {
return format.test(value);
^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)[\S]{8,}$ - "Password must have 8 or more characters, at least one uppercase letter, and one number"
^[-@\.\w]*$ - "Password cannot contain special characters other than _ @ . -"
我有这个架构可以根据几个要求验证 2 个密码字段:
- “密码必须包含 8 个或更多字符,至少一个大写字母和一个数字。”
- "密码不能包含 _ @ . - 以外的特殊字符"
现在我在一个字符串中显示两个验证错误,但我需要为这些条件显示 2 个单独的错误。
问题是,我如何创建 2 个正则表达式,它们在验证时不会相互冲突,并且会向我显示必要的错误?
const format = /[a-z`!#$%^&*()+=\[\]{};':"\|,<>\/?~]/;
const passwordFormat = /^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)[a-zA-Z\d_@.-]{8,}$/;
return yup.object().shape({
password: yup
.required("Password is required")
// validates the password
.matches(passwordFormat, "Password must have 8 or more characters, at least one uppercase letter, and one number.")
//checks if there are special characters
.test('special-chars', "Password cannot contain special characters other than _ @ . -", function(value) {
return format.test(value);
^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)[\S]{8,}$ - "Password must have 8 or more characters, at least one uppercase letter, and one number"
^[-@\.\w]*$ - "Password cannot contain special characters other than _ @ . -"