
Is there a way to assign a descriptor to an instance attribute at runtime?

这个问题在 2016 年提出,但没有得到回答:Can a descriptor be assigned to an instance attribute instead of a class attribute?


class MyThing:
    def __set_name__(self, owner, name):
        print(f'Assigned to {name} on {owner}')
        self.name = name

    def __get__(self, obj, typ):
        print(f'Getting {self.name} on {obj}')
        return getattr(obj, self.name)

    def __set__(self, obj, val):
        print(f'Setting {self.name} on {obj} to {val}')
        setattr(obj, self.name, val)

是否可以在运行时将此描述符的实例分配给其他 class 实例,并使其行为符合描述符协议?


foo.thing = MyThing()

foo.thing 不像描述符,它只是像典型的实例属性。

这不是 XY 问题。正如我所说的,我特意要求回答这个问题。

不,描述符协议仅在描述符对象是 class 的成员时才有效,这表示为 int the HOWTO:

To use the descriptor, it must be stored as a class variable in another class

或者,来自 data model docs

The following methods only apply when an instance of the class containing the method (a so-called descriptor class) appears in an owner class (the descriptor must be in either the owner’s class dictionary or in the class dictionary for one of its parents).