如何在 yaml quarkus 中映射嵌套对象配置

how to mapping nested object configuration in yaml quarkus

如何将 application.yml 映射到配置文件?

这里我有配置 application.yml

   -  variation-number: 6
       game-name: Match the shadow
       number-of-items: 5
   -  variation-number: 5
      game-name: Drag object to matching Basket
      number-of-items: 4
   -  variation-number: 5
      game-name: Re arrange the words
      number-of-items: 0
   -  variation-number: 5


public class GameConfig {
    public Integer variationNumber;
    public String gameName;
    public Integer numberOfItems;

@ConfigProperties(prefix = "games-config")
public class GamesListConfig {
    @ConfigProperty(name = "config")
    public List<GameConfig> config;

但我总是遇到这样的错误: enter image description here

这需要 Quarkus 版本 1。11.x。以前的版本不支持具有复杂对象类型的列表。