Google Play Billing Library 3.0+ - 恢复购买

Google Play Billing Library 3.0+ - Restore purchase

有了 Google Play Billing Library v3.0+,我们有了新的购买流程,一切都在这里得到了完美的解释: Google Play Billing


bp = new BillingProcessor(this, MERCHANT_ID, new BillingProcessor.IBillingHandler() {
        public void onProductPurchased(@NonNull String productId, @Nullable TransactionDetails details) {
            String orderId = details.purchaseInfo.purchaseData.productId;
  // we then compare the orderID with the SKU and see if the user purchased the item,
  // however in the new version of the library there is nothing about restore


例如,我们有一个用例,您有一个有效的订阅和一个您购买的 IAP 产品。您删除该应用程序并重新安装。您如何恢复订阅和该 IAP 产品?

BillingProcessor 和 onProductPurchased 似乎不是 Play Billing Library(也不是 AIDL)的一部分,它更像是一个包装 class 由 anjlab( 实现 为了满足您的需求,我认为 queryPurchases and queryPurchaseHistoryAsync 可以提供帮助。

基本上 queryPurchaseHistoryAsync 完成了这项工作,只是要小心传递 SKU 类型(inapp 或 subs)。


fun restorePurchaseInApp() {
    bp.queryPurchaseHistoryAsync("inapp", this)

fun restorePurchaseInSubs() {
    bp.queryPurchaseHistoryAsync("subs", this)

// bp is BillingClient
// the class should implement PurchaseHistoryResponseListener

override fun onPurchaseHistoryResponse(
    p0: BillingResult,
    p1: MutableList<PurchaseHistoryRecord>?
) {
    if (p1 != null) {
        Log.d("TMS", "onPurchaseHistoryResponse: " + p1.size)

    if (p1 != null) {
        for (item in p1) {
            Log.d("TMS", "onPurchaseHistoryResponse sku: " + item.sku)
            Log.d("TMS", "onPurchaseHistoryResponse signature: " + item.signature)
            Log.d("TMS", "onPurchaseHistoryResponse purchaseToken: " + item.purchaseToken)
            Log.d("TMS", "onPurchaseHistoryResponse purchaseTime: " + item.purchaseTime)


使用 Google 在 Github 上可用的应用内结算库。

Android 应用内结算 API 的简单实现。

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.moisoni97:google-inapp-billing:1.0.5'

◆ 创建 BillingConnector 实例 class。构造函数将采用 2 个参数:

● Context
● License key from *Play Console*
billingConnector = new BillingConnector(this, "license_key")

◆ 实现监听器来处理事件结果和错误:

billingConnector.setBillingEventListener(new BillingEventListener() {
            public void onProductsFetched(@NonNull List<SkuInfo> skuDetails) {
                /*Provides a list with fetched products*/

            public void onPurchasedProductsFetched(@NonNull List<PurchaseInfo> purchases) {
                /*Provides a list with fetched purchased products*/

            public void onProductsPurchased(@NonNull List<PurchaseInfo> purchases) {
                /*Callback after a product is purchased*/

            public void onPurchaseAcknowledged(@NonNull PurchaseInfo purchase) {
                /*Callback after a purchase is acknowledged*/
                 * Grant user entitlement for NON-CONSUMABLE products and SUBSCRIPTIONS here
                 * Even though onProductsPurchased is triggered when a purchase is successfully made
                 * there might be a problem along the way with the payment and the purchase won't be acknowledged
                 * Google will refund users purchases that aren't acknowledged in 3 days
                 * To ensure that all valid purchases are acknowledged the library will automatically
                 * check and acknowledge all unacknowledged products at the startup
                 * */

            public void onPurchaseConsumed(@NonNull PurchaseInfo purchase) {
                /*Callback after a purchase is consumed*/
                 * CONSUMABLE products entitlement can be granted either here or in onProductsPurchased
                 * */

            public void onBillingError(@NonNull BillingConnector billingConnector, @NonNull BillingResponse response) {
                /*Callback after an error occurs*/
                switch (response.getErrorType()) {
                    case CLIENT_NOT_READY:
                        //TODO - client is not ready yet
                    case CLIENT_DISCONNECTED:
                        //TODO - client has disconnected
                    case SKU_NOT_EXIST:
                        //TODO - sku does not exist
                    case CONSUME_ERROR:
                        //TODO - error during consumption
                    case ACKNOWLEDGE_ERROR:
                        //TODO - error during acknowledgment
                    case ACKNOWLEDGE_WARNING:
                         * This will be triggered when a purchase can not be acknowledged because the state is PENDING
                         * A purchase can be acknowledged only when the state is PURCHASED
                         * PENDING transactions usually occur when users choose cash as their form of payment
                         * Here users can be informed that it may take a while until the purchase complete
                         * and to come back later to receive their purchase
                         * */
                        //TODO - warning during acknowledgment
                    case FETCH_PURCHASED_PRODUCTS_ERROR:
                        //TODO - error occurred while querying purchased products
                    case BILLING_ERROR:
                        //TODO - error occurred during initialization / querying sku details
                    case USER_CANCELED:
                        //TODO - user pressed back or canceled a dialog
                    case SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE:
                        //TODO - network connection is down
                    case BILLING_UNAVAILABLE:
                        //TODO - billing API version is not supported for the type requested
                    case ITEM_UNAVAILABLE:
                        //TODO - requested product is not available for purchase
                    case DEVELOPER_ERROR:
                        //TODO - invalid arguments provided to the API
                    case ERROR:
                        //TODO - fatal error during the API action
                    case ITEM_ALREADY_OWNED:
                        //TODO - failure to purchase since item is already owned
                    case ITEM_NOT_OWNED:
                        //TODO - failure to consume since item is not owned


● 购买 non-consumable/consumable 产品:

billingConnector.purchase(this, "sku_id");

● 购买订阅:

billingConnector.subscribe(this, "sku_id");

● 取消订阅:

billingConnector.unsubscribe(this, "sku_id");
