Arduino Uno 的 Rx 和 Tx 引脚不能用作通过 USB 进行串行通信的输入?

Rx and Tx pin of Arduino Uno not usable as input with serial communication via USB?

我目前正在从事一个涉及 LCD、传感器和键盘的项目。

Arduino Uno 有 14 input/output 个引脚(0-13,0 是 Rx,1 是 Tx)。

LCD 本身占用 5 个引脚(引脚 8-12)、传感器 1(引脚 7)和 keypad7(引脚 0-6),这很好,因为我有 14 个潜在引脚。

所以我下载了一个基本程序来快速测试键盘并调整必要的变量。我想通过串行通信在计算机上显示数字。第 1 行和第 4 行有效,第 2 行和第 3 行无效。键盘不会有问题,因为我测量了每个组合的电阻。然后我意识到保存第 2 行和第 3 行信息的引脚连接到 Arduino Uno(Rx 和 Tx)的引脚 0 和 1。

是否可以在串行通信处于活动状态时使用引脚 0 和 1 作为输入?


/*     SparkFun Keypad Pinout:
       Rows and columns are connected as such:
     R1  | 1 | 2 | 3 | - 5 (grün)
     R2  | 4 | 5 | 6 | - 0 (braun)
     R3  | 7 | 8 | 9 | - 1 (schwarz)
     R4  | * | 0 | # | - 3 (violett)
           |C1 |C2 |C3
     4(blau) 6(gelb) 2(weiß)
    // Pins 1-7 of the keypad connected to the Arduino respectively:
    int keypadPins[7] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
    int keypadStatus;  // Used to monitor which buttons are pressed.
    int timeout;  // timeout variable used in loop
    void setup()
      for (int i=0; i<7; i++)
        pinMode(keypadPins[i], INPUT);  // Set all keypad pins as inputs
        digitalWrite(keypadPins[i], HIGH);  // pull all keypad pins high
    void loop()
      keypadStatus = getKeypadStatus();  // read which buttons are pressed
      if (keypadStatus != 0)  // If a button is pressed go into here
        sendKeyPress(keypadStatus);  // send the button over USB
        timeout = 2000;  // top of the repeat delay
        while ((getKeypadStatus() == keypadStatus) && (--timeout))  // Decrement timeout and check if key is being held down
        while (getKeypadStatus() == keypadStatus)  // while the same button is held down
          sendKeyPress(keypadStatus);  // continue to send the button over USB
          delay(50);  // 50ms repeat rate
    /* sendKeyPress(int key): This function sends a single key over USB
       It requires an int, of which the 12 LSbs are used. Each bit in
       key represents a single button on the keypad.
       This function will only send a key press if a single button
       is being pressed */
    void sendKeyPress(int key)
        case 1:  // 0x001
          Serial.print('1');  // Sends a keyboard '1'
        case 2:  // 0x002
        case 4:  // 0x004
        case 8:  // 0x008
        case 16:  // 0x010
        case 32:  // 0x020
        case 64:  // 0x040
        case 128:  // 0x080
        case 256:  // 0x100
        case 512:  // 0x200
        case 1024:  // 0x400
          Serial.print('0');  // Sends a keyboard '0'
        case 2048:  // 0x800
          Serial.print('\n');  // Sends the 'ENTER' key
    /* getKeypadStatus(): This function returns an int that represents
    the status of the 12-button keypad. Only the 12 LSb's of the return
    value hold any significange. Each bit represents the status of a single
    key on the button pad. '1' is bit 0, '2' is bit 1, '3' is bit 2, ..., 
    '#' is bit 11.
    This function doesn't work for multitouch.
    int getKeypadStatus()
      int rowPins[4] = {keypadPins[5], keypadPins[0], keypadPins[1], keypadPins[3]};  // row pins are 5, 0, 1, and 3 of the keypad
      int columnPins[3] = {keypadPins[4], keypadPins[6], keypadPins[2]};  // column pins are pins 2, 4, and 6 of the keypad
      int keypadStatus = 0;  // this will be what's returned
      /* initialize all pins, inputs w/ pull-ups */
      for (int i=0; i<7; i++)
        pinMode(keypadPins[i], INPUT);
        digitalWrite(keypadPins[i], HIGH);
      for (int row=0; row<4; row++)
      {  // initial for loop to check all 4 rows
        pinMode(rowPins[row], OUTPUT);  // set the row pin as an output
        digitalWrite(rowPins[row], LOW);  // pull the row pins low
        for (int col=0; col<3; col++)
        {  // embedded for loop to check all 3 columns of each row
          if (!digitalRead(columnPins[col]))
            keypadStatus |= 1 << ((row+1)*3 + (col+1) - 4);  // set the status bit of the keypad return value
        pinMode(rowPins[row], INPUT);  // reset the row pin as an input
        digitalWrite(rowPins[row], HIGH);  // pull the row pin high
      return keypadStatus;

Is it possible to use Pin 0 & 1 as input while secial communication?

我从未使用过这部分,但我还是花了几分钟时间通过 RTFM ATmega328P p.71 找到相关文本

• TXD/PCINT17 – Port D, Bit 1 TXD, transmit Data (data output pin for the USART). When the USART transmitter is enabled, this pin is configured as an output regardless of the value of DDD1.

• RXD/PCINT16 – Port D, Bit 0 RXD, Receive Data (data input pin for the USART). When the USART receiver is enabled this pin is configured as an input regardless of the value of DDD0. When the USART forces this pin to be an input, the pull-up can still be controlled by the PORTD0 bit.

所以我建议您熟悉友好的 MCU 手册,而不是 Arduino this & Arduino that。