C++:在 throwing/catching 异常中,异常对象何时被析构?

C++: In throwing/catching exceptions, when are the exception objects destructed?

我看到这篇文章:Best practice: throw by value, catch by const reference 并对异常对象何时被销毁感到好奇。


struct BASE_EX {
    static int id;
    BASE_EX() { 
        std::cout << "constructing BASE_EX " << id << std::endl; 
    virtual std::string const what() const { return "BASE_EX " + std::to_string(id); }
    ~BASE_EX() { std::cout << "destructing BASE_EX " << id << std::endl; }

    static int derived_id;
    DERIVED_EX() {
        std::cout << "constructing DERIVED_EX " << derived_id << std::endl; 
    std::string const what() const { return "DERIVED_EX " + std::to_string(derived_id); }
    ~DERIVED_EX() { std::cout << "destructing DERIVED_EX " << derived_id << std::endl; }

int BASE_EX::id = 0;
int DERIVED_EX::derived_id = 0;


int main() {
    try {
        try {
            throw DERIVED_EX();
        } catch(BASE_EX const& ex) {
            std::cout << "First catch block: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
            throw ex;
    } catch(BASE_EX const& ex) {
        std::cout << "Second catch block: " << ex.what() << std::endl;


constructing BASE_EX 1
constructing DERIVED_EX 1
First catch block: DERIVED_EX 1
destructing DERIVED_EX 1
destructing BASE_EX 1
Second catch block: BASE_EX 1
destructing BASE_EX 1




constructing BASE_EX 1
constructing DERIVED_EX 1
First catch block: BASE_EX 1
destructing BASE_EX 1
destructing DERIVED_EX 1
destructing BASE_EX 1
Second catch block: BASE_EX 1
destructing BASE_EX 1
destructing BASE_EX 1

任何关于 cpp try-catch 如何在引擎盖下工作的推荐读物都会很棒。谢谢。

了解它们何时被销毁的最好方法是假装 catch 类是一个函数:

catch(BASE_EX const& ex) {
    std::cout << "Second catch block: " << ex.what() << std::endl;


void exception_handler(BASE_EX const& ex) {
    std::cout << "Second catch block: " << ex.what() << std::endl;


如果您要标记对象的构造函数,请标记 所有 ;)

struct BASE_EX {
    static int count;
    int id;
    BASE_EX() : id(count++) { 
        std::cout << "constructing BASE_EX " << id << std::endl; // usually std::endl is unnecessary (it's just "\n" followed by std::flush), but since we're playing with crashes it's probably a good idea
    BASE_EX(BASE_EX const &other) : id(count++) {
        std::cout << "copying BASE_EX " << other.id << " as BASE_EX " << id << std::endl;
    // implicit move constructor not declared
    virtual std::string what() const { return "BASE_EX " + std::to_string(id); } // marking by-value return as const does absolutely nothing
    ~BASE_EX() { std::cout << "destructing BASE_EX " << id << std::endl; } // reminder that base class destructors should generally be virtual; not required in this case
int BASE_EX::count = 0;

    static int count;
    int id;
    DERIVED_EX() : BASE_EX(), id(count++) {
        std::cout << "constructing DERIVED_EX " << id << std::endl; 
    DERIVED_EX(DERIVED_EX const &other) : BASE_EX(other), id(count++) {
        std::cout << "copying DERIVED_EX " << other.id << " as DERIVED_EX " << id << std::endl;
    // implicit move constructor not declared
    std::string what() const override { return "DERIVED_EX " + std::to_string(id); }
    ~DERIVED_EX() { std::cout << "destructing DERIVED_EX " << id << std::endl; }
int DERIVED_EX::count = 0;


constructing BASE_EX 0
constructing DERIVED_EX 0
First catch block: DERIVED_EX 0
copying BASE_EX 0 as BASE_EX 1
destructing DERIVED_EX 0
destructing BASE_EX 0
Second catch block: BASE_EX 1
destructing BASE_EX 1

第一个throw设置异常对象为DERIVED_EX 0。内部 catch 获取对该异常对象的 BASE_EX 0 基础 class 子对象的引用。由于 whatvirtual,调用它会导致 DERIVED_EX 报告其类型。但是,当你再次throw ex时,ex只有静态类型BASE_EX,所以新的异常对象被选择为BASE_EX,它是通过复制只有第一个异常对象的BASE_EX部分。当我们退出第一个 catch 时,第一个异常对象被销毁,并且外部 catch 接收到新的 BASE_EX 对象。因为它确实 一个 BASE_EX,而不是 DERIVED_EX,调用 what 反映了这一点。如果你使两个 catch 都按值,你会得到

constructing BASE_EX 0
constructing DERIVED_EX 0
copying BASE_EX 0 as BASE_EX 1
First catch block: BASE_EX 1
copying BASE_EX 1 as BASE_EX 2
destructing BASE_EX 1
destructing DERIVED_EX 0
destructing BASE_EX 0
copying BASE_EX 2 as BASE_EX 3
Second catch block: BASE_EX 3
destructing BASE_EX 3
destructing BASE_EX 2

当你catch按值时,复制异常对象来初始化catch参数。在这样一个 catch 块的执行期间,有两个对象表示异常:实际的异常对象,它没有名字,以及它为 catch 块制作的副本,可以命名.第一个副本是第一个异常对象到第一个catch的参数的副本。第二个副本是作为第二个异常对象的那个参数的副本。第三个是将该异常对象复制到第二个 catch 的参数中。当我们输入第一个 catch 时,异常的 DERIVED_EX 部分已被切掉。根据通常的作用域规则,catch 参数在每个 catch 结束时被销毁。只要相应的 catch 块退出,异常对象就会被销毁。

通过不按值接受异常并且不使用 throw <catch-parameter> 重新抛出异常,可以避免复制问题和切片问题。

int main() {
    try {
        try {
            throw DERIVED_EX();
        } catch(BASE_EX const &ex) {
            std::cout << "First catch block: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
    } catch(BASE_EX const &ex) {
        std::cout << "Second catch block: " << ex.what() << std::endl;


constructing BASE_EX 0
constructing DERIVED_EX 0
First catch block: DERIVED_EX 0
Second catch block: DERIVED_EX 0
destructing DERIVED_EX 0
destructing BASE_EX 0

异常对象没有在第一个 catch 结束时销毁,因为它以 throw 退出,这表明 same 异常对象用于匹配更多 catch 个子句。它不会被复制到一个新的异常对象中,也不会像 throw ex 那样被销毁。
