具有 Google 表的每日股票价格警报的 GAS 脚本

GAS script for Daily Stock Price Alert with Google Sheets

我在 Google 表格中找到了一个很棒的 article 股票警报系统 GAS 脚本。它激励我构建更广泛的东西,包括每日 % 移动的警报,但这超出了重点。



    function myFunction() {
      var spreadSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
      var values = spreadSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
      var emails = ['abc@gmail.com'];
      for (stock in values) {
        // Grabs the array we want to access
        var stockArray = values[stock];   
        // The first item in the array is the ticker
        var stockTicker = stockArray[0];  
        // The CURRENT price of the stock
        var stockCurrent = stockArray[1]; 
        // Mathematical symbol to compare the prices (>,<)
        var stockSymbol = stockArray[2];  
        // The TARGET price of the stock 
        var stockTarget = stockArray[3];  
        // If we want to use the less than symbol
        if ( stockSymbol === '<' ) {
          // If current price is less than target
          if ( stockCurrent < stockTarget) {
            // Do something
        // If we want to use the greater than symbol
        if ( stockSymbol === '>' ) {
          // If current price is greater than target
          if ( stockCurrent > stockTarget) {
            // Do something

我只想(每天)收到一次警报。 author 通过在 'else' 条件后添加以下函数解决了类似的问题:

function createTriggerCheckAgain() {
      .after(60 * 60 * 24 * 1000) // one day cycle time


为了检查脚本是否实时运行,我添加了电子邮件功能。把它们放在一起给出以下内容。这是 spreadsheet 的 link。

function myFunction() {
  var spreadSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var values = spreadSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
  var emails = ['webkowuite@gmail.com'];
  for (stock in values) {
    // Grabs the array we want to access
    var stockArray = values[stock];   
    // The first item in the array is the ticker
    var stockTicker = stockArray[0];  
    // The CURRENT price of the stock
    var stockCurrent = stockArray[1]; 
    // Mathematical symbol to compare the prices (>,<)
    var stockSymbol = stockArray[2];  
    // The TARGET price of the stock 
    var stockTarget = stockArray[3];  
    // Emails
    var emailSubject = 'PRICE ALERT';
    var emailBody = 'your stock '+stockTicker+' has moved to its target price';
    // If we want to use the less than symbol
    if ( stockSymbol === '<' ) {
      // If current price is less than target
      if ( stockCurrent < stockTarget) {
        for (email in emails) {
          MailApp.sendEmail(emails[email], emailSubject, '', {
            htmlBody: emailBody
      else {
        function createTriggerCheckAgain() {
          .after(60 * 60 * 24 * 1000)
    // If we want to use the greater than symbol
    if ( stockSymbol === '>' ) {
      // If current price is greater than target
      if ( stockCurrent > stockTarget) {
        for (email in emails) {
          MailApp.sendEmail(emails[email], emailSubject, '', {
            htmlBody: emailBody
   else {
    function createTriggerCheckAgain() {
      .after(60 * 60 * 24 * 1000)

任何 tips/help 将不胜感激。


// Named range could be get spreadsheet-wise
var notified_range = spread_sheet.getRangeByName('Notified?');
var notified_values = notified_range.getValues();
// We don't want to spam ourselves
var isNotified = notified_values[+stock+1][0];
if ( stockSymbol === '<' ) {
if ( stockCurrent < stockTarget && isNotified != true) {
for (email in emails) {
MailApp.sendEmail(emails[email], emailSubject, '', {
htmlBody: emailBody
// GetCell index starts from 1, not 0. So we +2
notified_range.getCell(stock+2, 1).setValue(true);





function myFunction() {
  var spreadSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var values = spreadSheet.getDataRange().getValues();

  var stocks = [];
  var emails = ['test@gmail.com'];
  var emailSubject = 'PRICE ALERT';
  var emailBody = 'The following tickers reached its target price:';

  values.forEach(function (stockArray, index) {
    // ticker, CURRENT price, comparison symbol, TARGET price
    var [stockTicker, stockCurrent, stockSymbol, stockTarget, dates] = stockArray;
    var dateToday = convertDate(new Date());
    // Make string into array and removes all blank elements
    var dateArray = dates.toString().split(",").filter(date => date);
    // Properly format dates 
    dateArray.forEach(function (date, index){
      dateArray[index] = convertDate(new Date(date));
    // If current price is <stockSymbol> than target and dateToday isn't in column E
    if (eval(stockCurrent + " " + stockSymbol + " " + stockTarget) && !dateArray.includes(dateToday)) {
      // Take note of the tickers so we can send in 1 email
      // Add dateToday to dateArray if date is new
      // Set dateArray as string as value to column E 
      spreadSheet.getRange("E" + (index + 2)).setValue(dateArray.join(","));

  // Only proceed to mail if we had a new valid ticker that satisfies the condition
  if(stocks.length > 0) {
    // Join all stocks in one email per user, send as 1 email
    emailBody = emailBody + "<br> - " + stocks.join("<br> - ");
    emails.forEach(function (email) {
      MailApp.sendEmail(email, emailSubject, '', {
        htmlBody: emailBody

  // Create trigger after every run (will trigger every minute)

function convertDate(date){
  // Convert date to proper timezone
  return Utilities.formatDate(date, SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSpreadsheetTimeZone(), "MM/dd/YYYY");

function createTrigger(){
  // Delete all existing triggers before creating one
  // Ensuring none will exist before creating trigger.
  var triggers = ScriptApp.getProjectTriggers();
  triggers.forEach(function (trigger){

  // Create trigger after every run which is per minute
    .after(60 * 1000)





要测试,只需 运行 函数一次,然后让触发器完成它的工作。

另外,您可能 运行 由于配额问题。如需更多 information/details,请阅读以下资源:
