为什么 Visual Studio 在没有优化的情况下正确编译这个函数,但在优化的情况下却错误地编译了这个函数?

Why does Visual Studio compile this function correctly without optimisation, but incorrectly with optimisation?

我正在尝试使用类似 y 组合器的 lambda 包装(尽管我知道它们实际上并不是严格意义上的 y 组合器),但我遇到了一个非常奇怪的问题。我的代码完全按照我在调试配置(关闭优化)中的预期运行,但在发布(设置为 Optimizations (Favor Speed) (/Ox))中跳过了大量(重要的!)位。

请注意,lambda 函数的内部基本上是无关紧要的,它们只是为了确保它可以正确递归等。

// main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#define uint unsigned int

// Defines a y-combinator-style thing to do recursive things. Includes a system where the lambda can declare itself to be obsolete.
// Yes, it's hacky and ugly. Don't worry about it, this is all just testing functionality.
template <class F>
class YCombinator {
    F m_f; // the lambda will be stored here
    bool m_selfDestructing = false; //!< Whether the combinator will self-destruct should its lambda mark itself as no longer useful.
    bool m_selfDestructTrigger = false; //!< Whether the combinator's lambda has marked itself as no longer useful.

    // a forwarding operator:
    template <class... Args>
    decltype(auto) evaluate(Args&&... args) {
        // Avoid storing return if we can, 
        if (!m_selfDestructing) {
            // Pass itself to m_f, then the arguments.
            return m_f(*this, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
        else {
            // Pass itself to m_f, then the arguments.
            auto r = m_f(*this, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
            // self-destruct if necessary, allowing lamdas to delete themselves if they know they're no longer useful.
            if (m_selfDestructTrigger) {
                delete this;
            return r;
template <class F> YCombinator(F, bool sd)->YCombinator<F>;

// Tests some instances.
int main() {
    // Most basic test
    auto a = YCombinator{
        [](auto & self, uint in)->uint{
            uint out = in;
            for (uint i = 1u; i < in; ++i) {
                out += self.evaluate(i);
            return out;

    // Same as a, but checks it works as a pointer.
    auto b = new YCombinator{
        [](auto & self, uint in)->uint {
            uint out = in;
            for (uint i = 0u; i < in; ++i) {
                out += self.evaluate(i);

            return out;

    // c elided for simplicity

    // Checks the self-deletion mechanism
    auto d = new YCombinator{
        [&a, b](auto & self, uint in)->uint {
            std::cout << "Running d(" << in << ") [SD-" << self.m_selfDestructing << "]..." << std::endl;

            uint outA = a.evaluate(in);
            uint outB = b->evaluate(in);

            if (outA == outB)
                std::cout << "d(" << in << ") [SD-" << self.m_selfDestructing << "] confirmed both a and b produced the same output of " << outA << "." << std::endl;

            self.m_selfDestructTrigger = true;

            return outA;

    uint resultA = a.evaluate(4u);
    std::cout << "Final result: a(4) = " << resultA << "." << std::endl << std::endl;

    uint resultB = (*b).evaluate(5u);
    std::cout << "Final result: b(5) = " << resultB << "." << std::endl << std::endl;

    uint resultD = d->evaluate(2u);
    std::cout << "Final result: d(2) = " << resultD << "." << std::endl << std::endl;

    resultD = d->evaluate(2u);
    std::cout << "Final result: d(2) = " << resultD << "." << std::endl << std::endl;

应该发生的是 d 的第一次评估工作正常,设置 d.m_selfDestructTrigger,并导致自身被删除。然后 d 的第二次评估应该崩溃,因为 d 不再真正存在。这正是调试配置中发生的情况。 (注意:正如@largest_prime_is_463035818 在下面指出的那样,它不应该像遇到未定义的行为那样崩溃。)

但在 Release 配置中,据我所知,evaluate 中的所有代码都被完全跳过,执行直接跳转到 lambda。显然,优化代码中的断点有点令人怀疑,但这似乎就是正在发生的事情。我试过重建项目,但没有成功; VS 似乎对此很坚决。

我疯了吗?我错过了什么吗?或者这是 VS(甚至编译器)中的实际错误?如果您能协助确定这是代码问题还是工具问题,我们将不胜感激。

注意:我在 VS2019 16.8.3 上,使用 /std:c++ latest 功能集。

未定义行为是一种非局部现象。如果您的程序遇到 UB,这意味着程序的行为 整体 是未定义的,而不仅仅是它做坏事的那一小部分。

因此,UB 有可能“时间旅行”,影响理论上应该在执行 UB 之前正确执行的代码。也就是说,在展示 UB 的程序中没有“正确”; either the program is correct, or it is incorrect.

能走多远取决于实现,但就标准而言,VS 的行为与标准一致。


无论优化选项如何,在这两种情况下都会调用代码中的 delete this

        if (m_selfDestructTrigger) {
            delete this;





对象自行删除通常是一种不好的风格,因为您可能会引用已删除的对象,就像您的情况一样。 whether objects should delete themselves.


如果您注释“删除”行,您的代码将 运行 没有访问冲突。如果您仍然怀疑它可能是编译器错误并且“执行直接跳转到 lambda”,则可以使用更简单的方法来调试应用程序。这种更简单的方法是避免“删除”并从您怀疑被编译器跳过的代码块中输出一些文本。


您可以使用其他编译器,特别是带有消毒剂的 clang 以确保它不是您正在使用的 Microsoft Visual Studio 编译器的错误。


clang++.exe -std=c++20 -fsanitize=address calc.cpp 


在此示例中,您的代码是使用 "Address Sanitizer", which is a memory error detector supported by this compiler. Using various sanitizers 编译的,可能有助于您将来调试 C/C++ 程序。


==48820==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x119409fa0380 at pc 0x7ff799c91d6c bp 0x004251cff720 sp 0x004251cff768
READ of size 1 at 0x119409fa0380 thread T0
    #0 0x7ff799c91d6b in main+0xd6b (c:\calc\clang\calc.exe+0x140001d6b)
    #1 0x7ff799c917de in main+0x7de (c:\calc\clang\calc.exe+0x1400017de)
    #2 0x7ff799cf799f in __scrt_common_main_seh d:\agent\_work\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:288
    #3 0x7ffe3cff53fd in BaseThreadInitThunk+0x1d (C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL+0x1800153fd)
    #4 0x7ffe3ddc590a in RtlUserThreadStart+0x2a (C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll+0x18006590a)

0x119409fa0380 is located 16 bytes inside of 24-byte region [0x119409fa0370,0x119409fa0388)
freed by thread T0 here:
    #0 0x7ff799cf6684 in operator delete C:\src\llvm_package_6923b0a7\llvm-project\compiler-rt\lib\asan\asan_new_delete.cpp:160
    #1 0x7ff799c91ede in main+0xede (c:\calc\clang\calc.exe+0x140001ede)
    #2 0x7ff799c916e4 in main+0x6e4 (c:\calc\clang\calc.exe+0x1400016e4)
    #3 0x7ff799cf799f in __scrt_common_main_seh d:\agent\_work\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:288
    #4 0x7ffe3cff53fd in BaseThreadInitThunk+0x1d (C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL+0x1800153fd)
    #5 0x7ffe3ddc590a in RtlUserThreadStart+0x2a (C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll+0x18006590a)



clang++ -std=c++20 -O3 -o calc-O3.exe calc.cpp
clang++ -std=c++20 -O0 -o calc-O0.exe calc.cpp
calc-O3.exe > calc-O3.txt
calc-O0.exe > calc-O0.txt
fc calc-O3.txt calc-O0.txt


Comparing files calc-O3.txt and calc-O0.txt
FC: no differences encountered

对于 Microsoft Visual Studio 编译器,使用以下批处理文件:

cl.exe /std:c++latest /O2 /Fe:calc-O3.exe calc.cpp
cl.exe /std:c++latest /Od /Fe:calc-O0.exe calc.cpp
calc-O3.exe > calc-O3.txt
calc-O0.exe > calc-O0.txt
fc calc-O3.txt calc-O0.txt

它也会产生相同的结果,因此无论优化如何,代码 运行 都是相同的(而不是像您写的那样“完全跳过求值中的所有代码”)——您可能已经调试过了由于优化而错误。