V3 扩展不允许远程托管代码是什么意思

What does it mean that V3 extensions is the disallowing of remotely hosted code

Google chrome 刚刚宣布 V3 扩展禁止远程托管代码。这是什么意思?他们不允许 iframe 吗?我找不到这方面的任何详细信息?

正如 wOxxOm 指出的那样,这意味着您的所有代码都必须包含在您上传到 Chrome 网上商店的打包文件中,您不能包含来自远程服务器的代码。

来自Overview of Manifest V3 docs on developer.chrome.com

A key security improvement in MV3 is that extensions can't load remote code like JavaScript or Wasm files. This lets us more reliably and efficiently review the safe behavior of extensions when they're submitted to the Chrome Web Store. Specifically, all logic must be included in the extension's package.