无法安装 laravel oci8
Cannot install laravel oci8
composer require yajra/laravel-oci8:^8
C:\Users\yö\PhpstormProjects\BRP>composer require yajra/laravel-oci8:^8
./composer.json has been updated
Running composer update yajra/laravel-oci8
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- Root composer.json requires yajra/laravel-oci8 8 -> satisfiable by yajra/laravel-oci8[v8.0.0].
- yajra/laravel-oci8 v8.0.0 requires ext-oci8 >=2.0.0 -> it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's oci8 extension.
To enable extensions, verify that they are enabled in your .ini files:
- C:\PHP74\php.ini
You can also run `php --ini` inside terminal to see which files are used by PHP in CLI mode.
Windows 10
PHP 7.4.6
Laravel 8.26.1
PHP Storm 2020.2.3
我没有使用 XAMMP 或 WAMP
您缺少 OCI8 PHP 扩展,因此请按照以下步骤操作:
从 http://pecl.php.net/package/oci8 下载确切的版本,因为你必须是 php_oci8-2.2.0,解压并复制到 PHP ext 文件夹,对你来说它在“ C:\php74\ext"
在 php.ini 中取消注释“extension=php_oci8_11g.dll”并重新启动 Apache 或您正在使用的任何其他 Web 服务器
运行 composer require yajra/laravel-oci8:^8
在 https://windows.php.net/downloads/pecl/releases/oci8/
中下载具有合适 php 版本的扩展
提取所有 .dll 文件并将其复制到 /xampp/php/ext
在 http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/winsoft-085727.html
中下载合适的 OS 和 PHP 版本的即时客户端 oracle
composer require yajra/laravel-oci8:^8
C:\Users\yö\PhpstormProjects\BRP>composer require yajra/laravel-oci8:^8
./composer.json has been updated
Running composer update yajra/laravel-oci8
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- Root composer.json requires yajra/laravel-oci8 8 -> satisfiable by yajra/laravel-oci8[v8.0.0].
- yajra/laravel-oci8 v8.0.0 requires ext-oci8 >=2.0.0 -> it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's oci8 extension.
To enable extensions, verify that they are enabled in your .ini files:
- C:\PHP74\php.ini
You can also run `php --ini` inside terminal to see which files are used by PHP in CLI mode.
Windows 10
PHP 7.4.6
Laravel 8.26.1
PHP Storm 2020.2.3
我没有使用 XAMMP 或 WAMP
您缺少 OCI8 PHP 扩展,因此请按照以下步骤操作:
从 http://pecl.php.net/package/oci8 下载确切的版本,因为你必须是 php_oci8-2.2.0,解压并复制到 PHP ext 文件夹,对你来说它在“ C:\php74\ext"
在 php.ini 中取消注释“extension=php_oci8_11g.dll”并重新启动 Apache 或您正在使用的任何其他 Web 服务器
composer require yajra/laravel-oci8:^8
在 https://windows.php.net/downloads/pecl/releases/oci8/
中下载具有合适 php 版本的扩展提取所有 .dll 文件并将其复制到 /xampp/php/ext
在 http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/winsoft-085727.html
中下载合适的 OS 和 PHP 版本的即时客户端 oracle解压并复制所有dll文件到/xampp/apache/bin/,再复制到/xampp/php/