指数数格式化程序 - javascript

Exponential number formatter - javascript


我找到的简单解决方案是使用一些像 numeral.js 这样的 npm 包,然后做一些像...

const n = 9000;
const label = numeral(n).format('0[.]00e+0') // 9e+3

这对于以 10 为基数的来说并不可怕,但是当使用以 2e 为基数时,它并不好

numeral(Math.pow(2, 4)).format('0,0e+0') // 2e+1

我最终创建了自己的函数,我认为这是对 numeral.js 指数格式化程序的巨大改进。

const superscriptMap: Record<string, string> = {
  0: '⁰',
  1: '¹',
  2: '²',
  3: '³',
  4: '⁴',
  5: '⁵',
  6: '⁶',
  7: '⁷',
  8: '⁸',
  9: '⁹',

const getSuperScriptNumber = (n: number) =>
  `${n > 0 ? '' : '⁻'}${Math.abs(n)
    .map((c) => superStringMap[c])

const logFormatter = (n: number, base: number = 10) => {
  // Number.EPSILON to help with rounding errors
  const sign = n < 0 ? '-' : '';
  const nAbs = Math.abs(n);
  const exp = Math.log(nAbs) / Math.log(logBaseMap[base]) + Number.EPSILON;
  const roundedExp = Math.floor(exp);
  const constant = numeral(nAbs / Math.pow(logBaseMap[base], roundedExp)).format('0[.]00');
  const baseLabel = base === LogBase.Natural ? 'e' : logBaseMap[base];
  const expString = getSuperScriptNumber(roundedExp);
  return `${sign}${constant} x ${baseLabel}${expString}`;


Base (base) Exponent (exp) Math.pow(base, exp) numeral(n).format('0[.]00e+0') logFormatter(n, base)
10 -5 0.000009999999999999999 10e-6 1 x 10⁻⁵
10 -2.445 0.0035892193464500534 3.59e-3 3.59 x 10⁻³
10 -1 0.1 1e-1 1 x 10⁻¹
10 0 1 1e+0 1 x 10⁻⁰
10 1 10 1e+1 1 x 10¹
10 2.545 350.75187395256796 3.51e+2 3.51 x 10²
10 5 100000 1e+5 1 x 10⁵
2 -5 0.03125 3.13e-2 1 x 2⁻⁵
2 -2.445 0.18364607915978864 1.84e-1 1.47 x 2⁻³
2 -1 0.5 5e-1 1 x 2⁻¹
2 0 1 1e+0 1 x 2⁻⁰
2 1 2 2e+0 1 x 2¹
2 2.545 5.836081376960701 5.84e+0 1.46 x 2²
2 5 32 3.20e+1 1 x 2⁵
Math.E -5 0.006737946999085469 6.74e-3 1 x e⁻⁵
Math.E -2.445 0.08672613490173116 8.67e-2 1.74 x e⁻³
Math.E -1 0.36787944117144233 3.68e-1 1 x e⁻¹
Math.E 0 1 1e+0 1 x e⁻⁰
Math.E 1 2.718281828459045 2.72e+0 1 x e¹
Math.E 2.545 12.743228086065521 1.27e+1 1.72 x e²
Math.E 5 148.41315910257657 1.48e+2 1 x e⁵

I hope this helps someone that is in my position. Please edit this port or let me know if there is a calculation error.