
JavaScript: Detect a Loop in a Hierarchical Graph

请注意,我已经完成了 在我们的例子中,我们处理的不是链表,而是层次图,其中每个节点可能有多个子节点链接到它。例如,

const graph = {
   a: {value: Va, children: {b, d}},
   b: {value: Vb, children: {c}},
   c: {value: Vc, children: {a, d, e}}

在此图中,我们应该检测循环 a -> b -> c -> a。





function findCycle(graph) {
    let visited = new Set;
    let result;
    // dfs set the result to a cycle when the given node was already on the current path.
    //    If not on the path, and also not visited, it is marked as such. It then 
    //    iterates the node's children and calls the function recursively.
    //    If any of those calls returns true, exit with true also
    function dfs(node, path) {
        if (path.has(node)) {
            result = [...path, node]; // convert to array (a Set maintains insertion order)
            result.splice(0, result.indexOf(node)); // remove part that precedes the cycle
            return true;
        if (visited.has(node)) return;
        if ((graph[node]?.children || []).some(child => dfs(child, path))) return path;
        // Backtrack
        // No cycle found here: return undefined
    // Perform a DFS traversal for each node (except nodes that get 
    //   visited in the process)
    for (let node in graph) {
        if (!visited.has(node) && dfs(node, new Set)) return result;

// Your example graph (with corrections):
const graph = {
   a: {value: 1, children: ["b", "d"]},
   b: {value: 2, children: ["c"]},
   c: {value: 3, children: ["a", "d", "e"]}

// Find the cycle
console.log(findCycle(graph)); // ["a","b","c","a"]

// Break the cycle, and run again
graph.c.children.shift(); // drop the edge c->a
console.log(findCycle(graph)); // undefined (i.e. no cycle)



const hasCycle = (graph, name, path = []) =>
  path .includes (name)
    ? true
   : (graph?.[name]?.children ?? []) .some (c => hasCycle (graph, c, [...path, name]))

const anyCycles = (graph) =>
  Object .keys (graph) .some (k => hasCycle (graph, k))

const graph1 = {a: {value: 1, children: ['b', 'd']}, b: {value: 2, children: ['c']}, c: {value: 3, children: ['a', 'd', 'e']}}
const graph2 = {a: {value: 1, children: ['b', 'd']}, b: {value: 2, children: ['c']}, c: {value: 3, children: ['d', 'e']}}

console .log (anyCycles (graph1))
console .log (anyCycles (graph2))