libxml2 实现了哪个 Schematron 版本?

Which Schematron version does libxml2 implement?

Libxml2 附带 Schematron module. Since Schematron evolved 很多我想知道 libxml2 实现大致匹配哪个版本。

quick look at the source code 开始,libxml2 使用命名空间,这意味着 ISO Schematron (2006)。但是有一个 TODO 评论说

divergences between the draft and the ISO proposed standard :-(

好像没有changes to the source code that address this. So it's possible that libxml2 only supports a draft version of the ISO standard (maybe Schematron 1.6?). I'd suggest to ask on the libxml2 mailing list可以得到肯定的答案