navArgs 中的数据(Bundle)在系统杀死和重新创建 Activity(和 Fragment)后是否仍然存在?

Does the data (Bundle) from navArgs persist after the killing and recreation of the Activity (and Fragment) by the system?

Ian Lake 已经从 Google 回答了这个问题。有人建议我在 Whosebug 上重新创建问题并自己回答,这样它可能会对搜索它的其他人有所帮助:)

使用导航 API 和 SafeArgs 时:

val args: SomeFragmentArgs by navArgs()

args 字段在 activity 被系统杀死并重新创建后是否保留其值? 换句话说:发送到 Fragment 的 Bundle 是否存活?

Ian Lake给我的答案(来自Google):

The Bundle of arguments sent to a Fragment are indeed part of the Fragment's saved instance state. There's no reason to store it again separately
