Python 输入 class 实例属性作为输入参数的副本

Python typing of class instance attributes as copies of input args

当使用输入 Python 是否足够时:

class Something:
    def __init__(self, arg1: str, arg2: Union[str, int]):
        self.arg1 = arg1
        self.arg2 = arg2


class Something:
    def __init__(self, arg1: str, arg2: Union[str, int]):
        self.arg1: str = arg1
        self.arg2: Union[str, int] = arg2

这取决于您的类型检查器的智能程度,但我希望所有当前的 Python 检查器都能够从第一种形式推断出 arg1 和 [= 的类型14=].

请注意,您 缺少 return 类型注释,-> None:

class Something:
    def __init__(self, arg1: str, arg2: Union[str, int]) -> None:
        self.arg1 = arg1
        self.arg2 = arg2

例如,参见 mypy documentation on Class basics:

The mypy type checker detects if you are trying to access a missing attribute, which is a very common programming error. For this to work correctly, instance and class attributes must be defined or initialized within the class. Mypy infers the types of attributes:

class A:
    def __init__(self, x: int) -> None:
        self.x = x  # Aha, attribute 'x' of type 'int'

a = A(1)
a.x = 2  # OK!
a.y = 3  # Error: 'A' has no attribute 'y'


否则,我更喜欢将实例属性注释放在 class 级别,这样它们更容易被其他开发人员阅读:

class Something:
    arg1: str
    arg2: Union[str, int]

    def __init__(self, arg1: str, arg2: Union[str, int]) -> None:
        self.arg1 = arg1
        self.arg2 = arg2

在这里,这会导致您不得不重复自己,但您可以考虑 using the dataclasses module 避免这种情况。